Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let tu all know that some friends and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather tu a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever tu ship who ever tu favorito! characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill foros is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if tu are looking for a new foros , that welcomes all ships please stop por and sign up. Hope to see there
Help Ian Somerhalder to save the environment, and sign for the campaign Stop the Tar Sands Oil Keystone XL Pipeline link ,and spread the word guys ,it's free and really important
publicado hace más de un año
I'm sorry guys but Luka is a troll!!! He's so awful he makes Freddy Kreuger look like Naomi Cambell!! Seriously why did they put this creep on TVD, kill him off now!!!!!!
publicado hace más de un año
Actually the mostrar has really gone downhill since season 2 started:/ The escritura is just awful and is getting worse and worse which is too bad becuz it was awesome last season!! The only highlight of season 2 has been the werewolf storyline and thats it!!hace más de un año
it has tons of writers faults believe me but I'm guess tu being a big Damon fan wouldn't care less:/ I on the other hand am very disappointed with the pacing of this mostrar and the damn amor triángulo, triángulo de sux period!! KW tu need a new storyline if tu want this mostrar to continue!!hace más de un año