Beetlejuice: The Movie Club
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posted by whatsupbugs
1988's Beetlejuice finally got a sequel in 2024. The sequel has Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder and Catherine O'Hara reprise their roles and has Tim aparejo, burton returning as director.

I'm a huge fan of Tim Burton's directing and Michael Keaton's acting, because of the work that they did for the batman films. I eventually saw the first Beetlejuice film and ended up becoming a fan of it, so I felt excited for the Beetlejuice sequel. The presence of Jenna Ortega, the estrella of Wednesday, added to my excitement. Despite a lot of films coming out in 2024, I felt most excited for the Beetlejuice sequel.

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posted by Frizzhead
I thought after watching the movie beetlejuice i should give a review on it so here i go...

Beetlejuice is a Tim aparejo, burton classic set in the house of a young married couple.Adam and Barbra hope to have a child someday.In a tragic accident they are killed and are confined to the house.
A family buy the house and start rearranging everything this means its WAR!! Adam and Barbra are'nt able to scare them out so they need a bio-excorsist....

Personally i loved the film because of its witty, dark humour. Winona Ryder was superb! The 17 año old steals the mostrar with her performance. Michael Keaton is also fantastic with his one-liners and grins. But no matter what i think the true estrella is Tim aparejo, burton producing such a wonderful film. He is a genius with his contrast work and he has never faltered
posted by Wicked-Blair
A simple, humble character descripción from the movie we all know and love.

ADAM MAITLAND: One of the main protagonists in the film, Adam Maitland starts out as a normal, childless, married man. Due to a fatal car accident, he and his wife are doomed to roam their new (and last) house for eternity as ghosts. He's a kind, loving man, with obviously some artistic skill which he proved when we see that cool little scale model he built of the entire town.

BARBRA MAITLAND: Adam's wife, who, in the end, is ultimately responsible for saving the day, is also a kind, loving person, with sweet 80's hair....
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