Ashfur Wall

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PinepawMoonpaw dicho …
Ashfur did deserve to die and didn't deserve it. Like Yellowfang dicho he loved too much! so I'm kinda stuck publicado hace más de un año
rexsgirl123 comentó…
No he didn't. hace más de un año
punkycatgirl dicho …
Ashfur is like me but I didn't actually try to kill anybody o go insane because she's not real... but if she was I would kill her.,. maybe... O.e publicado hace más de un año
BakuganShun dicho …
I amor u Ashfur! U r the best cat in the series I know, and I'll miss having u after that one book! Stay seguro in Starclan!!! publicado hace más de un año
BakuganShun comentó…
I don't amor him anymore... hace más de un año
PinepawMoonpaw comentó…
lol!!! not anymore!!! never liked him from the start hace más de un año
big smile
ttmrktmnrfn0830 dicho …
Yea. I amor how I JUST dicho he didn't have any fans. *checks computer* OMSC! 5 fans!!! :D publicado hace más de un año
sparckly1234123 comentó…
I'MA fan OF ASHFUR hace más de un año
theWOLFPACK15 dicho …
SPOILER Sign of the Moon

Did tu attamaticly know that Ashfur was the cat with Blazing blue eyes in the árbol when Jayfeather went to StarClan?

Before they dicho the name I was like "Ashfur is in StarClan?"

Then Yellowfang answered my Question. XD publicado hace más de un año
ttmrktmnrfn0830 comentó…
Yeah, that's what I thought. That was like weird. I'm happy he's in StarClan, least Yellowfang knows he was just misunderstood hace más de un año
ttmrktmnrfn0830 comentó…
I just got Sign of the Moon yesterday, and I can't put it down!! Eep! X_X misceláneo person: ...Eep...? hace más de un año
ttmrktmnrfn0830 dicho …
HELLO????????? Wow, I feel bad for Ashfur, right now. He has, like, NO fans! Come on, people!!!! (Comment when tu join. Just say something, like "Ashfur's Awesome!" though some people don't think so, I see) publicado hace más de un año
ttmrktmnrfn0830 comentó…
RIP Ashfur! D: hace más de un año
crystalstream comentó…
Ashfur Rest in peace- hace más de un año
sparckly1234123 comentó…
i amor all the warrior gatos not shadow clan so much but i still like them hace más de un año
punkycatgirl comentó…
S2 hace más de un año