People on the disney Princess Spot are cruel to Ariel. They keep calling her selfish, when all she is doing is chasing a dream and trying to end prejudice between the merpeople and humans. Its seriously pissing me off. Selfish is a very bad thing to be, and Ariel is far from selfish, maybe a little impulsive at times, but like tu all are saying she was the first to chase after her dream - they are also saying she hates her family.
publicado hace más de un año
The first disney princess to ever stand up and fight for herself and what she wants! She made her dreams come true for herself!
publicado hace más de un año
I can relate, I am the youngest of six sisters (counting me) and I am the curious trouble maker of all my sisters. I amor ariel and her daughter melody.
publicado hace más de un año
I amor u ariel!!!!!!! Im 13years and I still frek. Collect and amor u!!!!! I always wait in line at disney land to get adograph!!!!!! U rock!!!! I want to be "under the seaN with u!!!!!
publicado hace más de un año