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anime Did tu notice that Eren looks like Isabel ? (Attack on Titan)

17 fans picked:
Wow Yeah I noticed !
Acctually, Mikasa looks like Levi, Eren->Isabel and Armin ->Farlan
I don't know...I didn't watched the OVA "A Choice With No Regrets "
 ElisaSNK posted hace más de un año
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BennieBear27 picked Acctually, Mikasa looks like Levi, Eren->Isabel and Armin ->Farlan:
Well it makes sense that Kevi and Mikasa look alike, they're related. But I didn't see the similarities between Eren and Isabel and Armin and Farland.
posted hace más de un año.
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Shin111 picked Wow Yeah I noticed !:
Of course,I noticed.
posted hace más de un año.
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Simmeh said:
A little bit. They both look weird, yeah.
posted hace más de un año.