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Amuto vs. Tadamu Pregunta

why doy tu hate o like tadasmu

i hate tadasmu amuto rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 love_2ne1 posted hace más de un año
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Amuto vs. Tadamu Respuestas

ASHLEYJ14 said:
Reasons why I hate: boring, typical relationship, tadase is such a player and took forever to realize his feelings and played amu, tadase is mean to ikuto and gets jealous easily lik over amu and kairi and her and ikuto, tadase thinks so highly of himself and always thinks he's right and hes too weak for amu and a spoiled brat
reason why I like tadamu: well I have to admit it better relates to real life relationships amuto is great but would never happen in reality but tadamu is kind of lik me and my crushes but i am still an AMUTO fan ALL THE WAY!!!!!
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posted hace más de un año 
so true
JEM54321 posted hace más de un año
ShinRan1819 said:
I like TadAmu because:
1. They are at the same age
2. They're cute together
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posted hace más de un año 
xXAmutoXx said:
I don't hate it. I just don't support it as I am an Amuto. :3
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posted hace más de un año 
Angelene0378 said:
I do like Tadamu better than Amuto por a little bit, but I don't think its necessary for one to bash a pairing just because they don't like it.
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posted hace más de un año 
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