American Dragon: Jake Long Club
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posted by DrBsNumber1Fan
Jake: Yo this is Jake Long the American Dragon
I save the world from evil and baby I ain't bragging
Right now I'm partying with my girl Ke$ha
You wanna come along with me well then you'd better catch up

K$: (chorus)
Hello. Wherever tu are
Are tu dancing on the dance floor o drinking por the bar?
Tonight we do it big and shine like stars
We don't give a what cause that's just who we are
And we are, we are we are, we are we are
The crazy kids. Them crazy, them crazy kids
And we are, we are we are, we are we are
The crazy kids. We are the

We are the crazy people.

I see tu in the club mostrando ke$ha love
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posted by h2o-fen-site
Jake's just your average 13-year-old video game-playing, comic book-loving, patinar, skate boarding kid... except for, tu know, that whole dragon thing.

first appearance: "Old School Training"
voiced by: Dante Basco
Jake is the first American Dragon

Jake's Dragon Master comes from a long line of powerful Chinese Dragons. He just moved to New York to train Jake as the first American Dragon.

first appearance: "Old School Training"
voiced by: Keone Young

Grandpa's sidekick Fu Dog is a 600-year-old Shar-Pei.
Once he and Granps went to fight the Dark Dragon, but ended up getting knocked out during the battle....
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posted by amdrag1
When I first got into watching American Dragon I loved it and I still do but I realy can't understand why it ceased production.It had everything!;romance,comedy,action,mystery,drama,fantasy and most importantly morals behind the stories.I mean ratings for the mostrar can't have been that bad.Could they?....Or it's a marketing technique make us realy want it badly and then when it comes back with new episodes we can't keep our eyes off of it.I Bet thats it.Anyway,this is about it for my ranting and raving........For today.
The frases that the characters will nver say.

Jake: Ugh! Hip-hop sucks! Rose sucks too!
Rose; I am the hottest chick on Earth. Danika's hideous!
Trixie: LET'S GO SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!
Spud: I'm horrible at hacking into computers!
Lao Shi: Dragon Training is cancelled forever.
Fu: I hate being an animal guardian.
Huntsman: I am like, in amor with magical creatures.
#88: What the hell are we waiting for? Die stupid dragons!
#89: Let's go kill every magical creature we see.
Rotwood: hola Jake, wanna' make out?
Haley: I wanna' get in trouble, I wanna' start a fight!
Jonathan: What?! I'm gonna' hit tu so hard, it will make your ancestors dizzy.
Susan: Jake, I hate you! I wish Brad was my son instead of you!
Sun: War, guns, adrenaline, violence, oh yeah!
Brad: Damn it, Rose! Get away from me tu bitch!
Stacey: Oh Spud, I amor you!
Nigel: Jake, let's be BFFs!
Danika: Jake is an ugly piece of crap!
Chang: I want tu Lao Shi.
Dark Dragon: Humans rock my socks!
 nintendo DS
Nintendo DS
Not many people know of any American Dragon games being made ,but fortunatley 2 were.Both of them were released on the same day,October 12 2006,One for Game Boy Advance and the Other for nintendo DS.They were two completely different games though.The one released for DS was called Disney's American Dragon: Jake Long, Attack of the Dark Dragon.The aim of the game is to save Rose from the Dark Dragon,you can dragon up to battle o go back to being human Jake.When a player has a dragoned up they can fly, breathe fuego and perform tail whips.

The game is set in 5 different magical worlds, and the...
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Hi Am Drag fans, I'm planning to start a campaign to save American Dragon series, but first I'm forming a team to lead this campaign. We will launch an online petition to fight for a new season and we will have a facebook page, an Instagram account and a website to promote the petition. This petition is gonna be huge, since we'll be aiming for 50,000+ signatures.

It's been más than 8 years since the mostrar got cancelled, but the amor and momentum of fighting for a new season from Am Drag fans never faded away. And our goal is to give the fans what they have been fighting for: a new season and...
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