Alex Rider Club
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added by starwars101
added by layla_14
added by jackie5starr
added by starwars101
added by starwars101
added by starwars101
added by starwars101
added by i_dig_mcdreamy
added by starwars101
added by starwars101
added by starwars101
posted by AlexRIder10
Alex and lobo started to mover back to the tail of the Boeing 747 where the back leads to the front. They went inside the cargo hold taking careful steps. They caught sight of two afgano looking men in the hold talking, not in English but a language. Luckily there was cargo boxes and luggage everywhere and hid themselves. They stop and listened to what they said. lobo then dicho “they are talking about what they should do with the hostages.”

Alex looked up at him and dicho “how do tu know what they were talking about? I thought tu went to Iraq not Afghan”

“I was at Iraq for a month...
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posted by JustaNutherKh
"What the hell do tu want me?" Alicia Screamed as soon as she woke up.She woke up paranoid. She was in a completely Cleaned off Concrete room. The only peice of furniture was the chair she was tied to. Other then that, A camera, probably out of focus, a Sink, a bunk, and a storm drain big enough to fit one of the men that kidnapped her. She looked at her Abductors. The one with watery blue eyes smiled, then Squatted down to her height. His fat body wrinkling in the process."Because we heard about you." Alicia struggled with the ropes, when really, She was getting the seret pocket cuchillo from...
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posted by AlexRIder10
High above the Atlantic a 747 was flying to New York thirty-six thousand feet from the water Alex Rider was in a heartbroken mood after remembering Jack Starbright about a hundredth time. He is sitting in business class plane with Edward and Elizabeth Pleasure taking him to America so he can start a new life. Edward Pleasure saw that Alex was in a bleak mood so he asked “Alex are u alright u need anything.”

“No I’m fine” Alex whispered.

“Okay then tell me if u have a problem okay”


Then a sudden flash caught Alex’s sight and thought that he saw someone he notice from one...
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alex rider
posted by JustaNutherKh
Alex was falling. As he fell, he watched his life go by. His 6th birthday, the día MI6 Recruited him, The día he got shot por Scoripa, then His 18th birthday came and went. He kept falling, Listening, to The metallic Bleep of dr.griefs voice..........And alex woke up to those bleeps. He groaned, rolled over, and tried to shut off the alarm, knocking it onto the floor. The beeping stopped, But then a new alarm started up. Sabina."Wake up, Alex! Its the last día of school! Hurry up and take a shower! Were gonna be late!" she yelled through the door. Then she padded softly down the hall, Towards...
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added by starwars101
added by starwars101