tu wake up in the mornning feeling great!Looking around tu see that Grimmjow is peacefully sleeping, his arms around you. A knock ruins the peacful moment, Grimmjow is up in a segundo already dressed he opens the door and makes a movement to tu behind his back to get dressed and fast!You run into the bathroom and get dressed.When tu walk back tu see Aizen in the room Loly and Menoly behind him.
"Aizen! What are tu doing here?!"you ask in shock.
"It seems that Loly has volunteered to keep gaurd por your room for a couple nights. It seems she thinks something might come and break in!"Aizen dicho chuckling
Grimmjow shoots a dirty look across the room to Loly.
" Of course we will accept!We would be honored if tu would guard this room!"You say looking over to Grimmjow who was clearly angry por this
"Then its settled Loly tu will guard this room 24/7."Aizen says in a pleased manner.
It was night again and tu figure that tu would go get dinner.As tu step into the cocina arms grab you.Then tu see a boy who's hair was a deep blue and very spiky. tu look at him in confusion.When tu blink tu see that no one was there.
tu enter the room Grimmjow has some cards in his hands.
"Something to entertain us."He looks at tu hungry.Well i think i could teach tu a game!"
"You can try."he adds.
the siguiente half hora yout two sip some ramen noodles from one cup.(your not so hungry)And tu try to teach him poker but he just doesn't get.
"Ha!Thats got to be good, right! Grimmjow yells in triumph.
"Actually tu just lost."you say in a playful manner.
"damn!"he says
"why dont we go to sleep now?"
"okay!"he perks up.
Loly comes in.
"Just thought i heard something suspicous!I better stay in here!"
"Shouldn't perros be kept outside?"Grimmjow says irritated.
"Ha Ha,Grimmjow your just jealous because Lord Aizen thinks higher of me than you!"Loly says in a confidence
"i dont need this."Grimmjow says in a mad tone.
"listen tu can stay here as long as tu don-"
tu fall on the floor un consious
tu see a boy in your arms(the same one tu saw earlier)yet he is a baby.Then tu notice Aizen hugging tu and Grimmjow hates and......
"Aizen! What are tu doing here?!"you ask in shock.
"It seems that Loly has volunteered to keep gaurd por your room for a couple nights. It seems she thinks something might come and break in!"Aizen dicho chuckling
Grimmjow shoots a dirty look across the room to Loly.
" Of course we will accept!We would be honored if tu would guard this room!"You say looking over to Grimmjow who was clearly angry por this
"Then its settled Loly tu will guard this room 24/7."Aizen says in a pleased manner.
It was night again and tu figure that tu would go get dinner.As tu step into the cocina arms grab you.Then tu see a boy who's hair was a deep blue and very spiky. tu look at him in confusion.When tu blink tu see that no one was there.
tu enter the room Grimmjow has some cards in his hands.
"Something to entertain us."He looks at tu hungry.Well i think i could teach tu a game!"
"You can try."he adds.
the siguiente half hora yout two sip some ramen noodles from one cup.(your not so hungry)And tu try to teach him poker but he just doesn't get.
"Ha!Thats got to be good, right! Grimmjow yells in triumph.
"Actually tu just lost."you say in a playful manner.
"damn!"he says
"why dont we go to sleep now?"
"okay!"he perks up.
Loly comes in.
"Just thought i heard something suspicous!I better stay in here!"
"Shouldn't perros be kept outside?"Grimmjow says irritated.
"Ha Ha,Grimmjow your just jealous because Lord Aizen thinks higher of me than you!"Loly says in a confidence
"i dont need this."Grimmjow says in a mad tone.
"listen tu can stay here as long as tu don-"
tu fall on the floor un consious
tu see a boy in your arms(the same one tu saw earlier)yet he is a baby.Then tu notice Aizen hugging tu and Grimmjow hates and......