*When Nancy lights Freddy on fire, he is screaming but his mouth is not moving.
*When Nancy first tries to bring Freddy into the real world, her blue phone is on the left side of her bed, but when she wakes up screaming, its on the right.
*When Freddy falls down Nancy;s basement stairs, one of his razor fingers breaks off, but when he gets back up, its back on.
*When Tina falls asleep, Freddy jumps out of a árbol behind her, his guante is on his left hand, instead of his right.
So many mistakes! There are más bloopers, but I'm not telling!
*Wes Craven wanted Freddy's sweater to be black and yellow, so what ever he turned into would be the same color as his sweater.
*When Nancy sleeps at Tina's house, and Freddy comes down throw the ceiling, tu can see Jason's hockey mask.
*Before Glen (Johny Depp) gets killed por Freddy, the radio says the name of the station he was listening to, KRGR.
*Wes Craven wanted Freddy's face to have open wounds that had puss coming out of it, but the make-up artist dicho that would be to hard to make.
*New Line Cinema was going to go bankrupt but A Nightmare on Elm calle saved them, so now they call New Line "The house that Freddy built."
*When Nancy sleeps at Tina's house, and Freddy comes down throw the ceiling, tu can see Jason's hockey mask.
*Before Glen (Johny Depp) gets killed por Freddy, the radio says the name of the station he was listening to, KRGR.
*Wes Craven wanted Freddy's face to have open wounds that had puss coming out of it, but the make-up artist dicho that would be to hard to make.
*New Line Cinema was going to go bankrupt but A Nightmare on Elm calle saved them, so now they call New Line "The house that Freddy built."
Chapter 9............Death is sad...Abi
I got up an freddy for got I can revie my self...I stood up an saw garret....
"Oh god.."
I ran to him an I got to my nees an said
" plz plz I amor u plz look at me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
I started to cry on him an dicho
"Don't not now.."
I thought my spell should work...
I kissed him an gave him the kiss of life an then he started to cough...
"Oh thank tu god..."
I gave him a hug an I started to kis him an then Jason came in an took mine an garrets hand an draged us an we both woke up on a cama at his house..
I kissed him an dicho
"It's over its over..."
Then freddy shows up an says no no no
We both screammm..........
what shalll happen leave a comentario to wat should happen siguiente :)
I got up an freddy for got I can revie my self...I stood up an saw garret....
"Oh god.."
I ran to him an I got to my nees an said
" plz plz I amor u plz look at me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
I started to cry on him an dicho
"Don't not now.."
I thought my spell should work...
I kissed him an gave him the kiss of life an then he started to cough...
"Oh thank tu god..."
I gave him a hug an I started to kis him an then Jason came in an took mine an garrets hand an draged us an we both woke up on a cama at his house..
I kissed him an dicho
"It's over its over..."
Then freddy shows up an says no no no
We both screammm..........
what shalll happen leave a comentario to wat should happen siguiente :)
Chapter 6....Stage fright...Abi
I woke up in the hospitle an I saw Liz there standing an holding my hand...
"Liz why am I here..."
"Someone tried to kill you..."
"No I was just sleeping an..."
Then my corazón felt really slow an I herd a voice saying.....
"Come on Abi tu now tu want to dream...hahaha..."
"Noooo!" I screamed....
"What's wrong Abi.."
"Liz he's here an..."
I felt pain through my whole body an somthing grabbed my legs an I started to get dragged under the cama an I screamed....
Then freddy's hand came up from under an grabbed me an got me.....
Then I woke up an saw Liz....
"Liz what happend..."
"Did tu have a night mare...."
Then Liz turned into freddy..."
"Well it seem's like tu did plz don't..."
"What do tu mean I'm saving you..."
"Plz leave me alone.."
"Well ok...Never.........."
"Then Freddy put his hand on my head an I screamed......."
I woke up in the hospitle an I saw Liz there standing an holding my hand...
"Liz why am I here..."
"Someone tried to kill you..."
"No I was just sleeping an..."
Then my corazón felt really slow an I herd a voice saying.....
"Come on Abi tu now tu want to dream...hahaha..."
"Noooo!" I screamed....
"What's wrong Abi.."
"Liz he's here an..."
I felt pain through my whole body an somthing grabbed my legs an I started to get dragged under the cama an I screamed....
Then freddy's hand came up from under an grabbed me an got me.....
Then I woke up an saw Liz....
"Liz what happend..."
"Did tu have a night mare...."
Then Liz turned into freddy..."
"Well it seem's like tu did plz don't..."
"What do tu mean I'm saving you..."
"Plz leave me alone.."
"Well ok...Never.........."
"Then Freddy put his hand on my head an I screamed......."
CHAPTER 1....Never mostrar your self....Abi
I was walking to Xaviers house for navidad eve... I got to his house an laid on the sofá an Xavier came over an said...
"I got tu something....."
He walked over to the navidad árbol an he grabbed a box....
"This is something special to me..."
I opend it an saaw a dead hand an I screamed an woke up an saw Xavier over me saying
"Abi are tu ok...."
I looked up an saw him I got up an dicho
"What happend........."
"I dont now........ omg look at your arms!"
I looked down an saw blood coming out of my arms an I said........
"What did tu do....."
"I don't know.."
Then I grabbed Xavier's camisa, camiseta an fell to the floor an I felt Xavier fall with me an I stood up an saw a house....
"Abi were are we...."
"We are in the play house of freddy....."
"Is that bad..."
"Yes... Yes it is......
I was walking to Xaviers house for navidad eve... I got to his house an laid on the sofá an Xavier came over an said...
"I got tu something....."
He walked over to the navidad árbol an he grabbed a box....
"This is something special to me..."
I opend it an saaw a dead hand an I screamed an woke up an saw Xavier over me saying
"Abi are tu ok...."
I looked up an saw him I got up an dicho
"What happend........."
"I dont now........ omg look at your arms!"
I looked down an saw blood coming out of my arms an I said........
"What did tu do....."
"I don't know.."
Then I grabbed Xavier's camisa, camiseta an fell to the floor an I felt Xavier fall with me an I stood up an saw a house....
"Abi were are we...."
"We are in the play house of freddy....."
"Is that bad..."
"Yes... Yes it is......