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posted by para-scence
A while later, Blake had to leave for football practice. We didn't get to finish the project, but he dicho we could work on it sometime during the week. It was strange, I actually felt a little sad when he left. I shook it off; I barely knew the guy.

"See ya in school," he smiled. I nodded, and he left.

I spent the rest of the día doing nothing; I didn't have work today. Then I heard the front door open. Crap, did I forget to lock it?! Did Drew get in?! My corazón was racing. What do I do? Should I just go to him? Should I hide and hope he thinks I'm not here, then he'll leave? My fear was so strong I couldn't move. I sat there in a ball, frozen on the couch.

"Irina!" I heard a voice call. The relief was amazing. I sighed.

"In here, Dad," I called. I got up from the couch; excited to see him. I haven't seen him in almost two weeks. I stopped when I saw him. Kara was with him. Of course. The wedding wasn't for another six months; but I was kind of hoping they'd break up. I felt kind of selfish about it, but I do not like that woman.

"Hello Irina," she dicho in a sickeningly sweet voice. It took all my strength to not grimace. Dad came over and hugged me.

"What've tu been up to?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I did nothing basically all day. Blake came over before to work on a project." Dad raised an eyebrow.

"Is Blake a boy?" he asked. I groaned. God forbid I mention a boy's name. He doesn't even know anything about Drew.

"Yes," I sighed. "We just had to work on a project. That's all," I insisted. He smirked.

"Ok... Well, tu need to start packing," he said. Just then I noticed the boxes por the door. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"For what?" I asked.

We're moving," Dad dicho nonchalantly. My corazón dropped. Oh yeah; I forgot to mention. Not only am I getting a new step mom, I'm also getting a new step sister. Her name's Hera, she's twelve. I've only met her one other time. We didn't say one word to each other. Kara is almost never with her; she's always at her dad's house, while Kara gets to be young again and date.

"Dad.... Do we have to move? I mean, seriously, who would buy this house?" I stalled.

"Lots of people would! We just got to fix the house up!" he dicho enthusiastically. I folded my arms. I didn't want to move. This was the house I grew up in. Something beeped. Kara looked at her watch.

"Oh, sorry Dear. I gotta go; Hera has a soccer game." She stood up on her tiptoes and pecked him on the cheek then left. I wanted to throw up again. I followed Dad to his room where he began putting his belongings into a box.

"Aren't tu excited?" he asked. He looked like a little kid on Christmas, but instead he was putting the presents away.

"No," I muttered. He stopped and looked at me.

"Why?" he asked. He was seriously confused. I folded my arms.

"Dad, why can't just be the two of us?" I sighed.

"Irina? Why don't tu like Kara?" he asked exasperated. I turned to face him.

"Because! She's not my mom! I don't want to move, and I don't want tu to marry her!" I shouted. He stormed over to where I was standing and towered over me, jabbing a finger in my front of my face.

"Now tu listen here, young lady. Who I see is none of your business! It's my choice and it's not up to you! Now you'd better knock off this bitchy little attitude of yours o tu will be grounded for the rest of your life! Do tu understand me?!" he screamed. I felt myself shrink closer to the floor.

"Yes sir," I said, my voice up an octave, and nodded. He we to the living room and angrily shoved things into boxes. I stormed into my room and slammed the door behind, fearfully locking the door when I heard him slam something as well. He'd never yelled at me like that before.

Not ever.

I stayed in my room the rest of the night, not even bothering to come out when my stomach was growling.


That siguiente Monday, I went to school like normal. However, it wasn't a normal day. Blake kept talking to me. During English, he sat in the asiento siguiente to me and kept talking to me. I contributed to the conversation, but I couldn't help but wonder why the hell he was talking to me. I was sure he hated me before. And besides, we were just partners; he didn't have to act like he liked me just to escape the awkwardness.

"So, do tu think tu could come over to finish the project?" he asked.

"My car's still broken," I reminded him. He was quiet for a moment, then smiled.

"I'll pick tu up then. tu can stay for dinner," he concluded. I raised my eyebrows. This was getting weirder and weirder. The campana rang, and everyone turned their attention to the front of the room; except me. I just stared at Blake in disbelief. Then Mr. Sullivan called for everyone's attention, so I dropped the subject... for now. After class, I got to him before he could leave.

"No offense, but why do tu want me over? I thought tu hated me," I admited. He looked surprised and taken off guard.

"I don't hate you, Irina. Well, not anymore. You're... different than I expected tu to be." I don't know whether I should be happy o offended. "I don't know, I just... like you. You're fun to be around," he smiled. I was speechless. "See ya later," he said. He lightly punched my shoulder and turned to leave. This kid is weird, I thought.

When I got inicial though, I saw that I would not be able to go to Blake's.

"We're going to my house. I'm having a couple people over," Drew told me. He loves having parties... a lot.

"But I have to work on a project," I dicho in a mousy voice. He raised his eyebrows at me and folded his arms. I thought quickly. "I mean, never mind. I can work on it another time. But I have to call and let them know I can't, ok?" He nodded. I took out my cellphone, and called Blake's.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Uh, I can't work on the project today... Something came up. How about another day?" I asked.

"Sure. No problem," he said.

"'K, thanks for understanding. Bye." I hung up. Drew furrowed his eyebrows.

"Blake's a girl, right?" he dicho in a tone that told me to agree.

"Yeah... Yeah, she is," I dicho nervously. He couldn't tell the difference in my voice, so he believed me,

"Good. Let's go," he ordered. I followed him out, and we got into his jeep and drove to his house. His house is a bit bigger than mine; it actually has a segundo story. We went in, where his parents were arguing in the kitchen. His mother stopped when she saw me. She pasted on her pleased smile.

"Oh. Hello Elena," she smiled. The first couple times I met her, last year, she'd been drunk and thought my name was Elena. I don't bother try to convince her otherwise.

"Hello, Mrs. Bartel," I squeaked after Drew stepped on my foot to get me to speak. His father was silent for a moment, then went back to barking at his wife. We went to his living room, waiting for the others to mostrar up. Only Laken and Blaine did. Joy... I hate Laken with all my heart. We were sitting on the couch, watching TV when they showed up, letting themselves in. Laken jumped onto the sofá siguiente to me, and put his hand on my hip.

"Hi Irina," he said. He leaned in closer, and I grimaced. Drew chuckled. His hand moved, and I slapped him. He was shocked to say the least. So was Drew. He grabbed a fistful of my hair, and yanked me back real hard so that the back of my head was against his chest.

"Knock it off, bitch," he growled. He jerked me adelante, hacia adelante and then let me go. "Go get me a beer," he ordered. I got off the couch, trying to avoid Laken's eyes, and went to the kitchen. His parents never notice, and probably wouldn't care, that Drew drinks. I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and returned, handing it to him. Laken smiled darkly. I sat back down in my place, and he put his arm around me. He talked to me about things I didn't care about, so I didn't listen.

Then Drew became wasted.

He stood up, pulling me with him. He told me something that I had no idea what he asked. It sounded like a question.

"What?" I asked. He grew angry. I took a step back, but couldn't pato fast enough as his fist flew towards me. He hit me in the mouth, his rings slicing a good cut on my lip. It stung like crazy, and the blood ran a small trail down my chin and neck.

"Geh oudda her!" he shouted. That I understood. I turned and ran, right out the door, down the driveway, and down the street. I didn't stop until I was about a mile away from my house. I walked the rest of the way, panting and still bleeding. I went home, and collapsed on my bed. My corazón was still racing, and I didn't feel the slightest bit relieved.

Everything went black.


I went to school the siguiente day, hoping for a better day. Blake talked to me in English class again, but this time I was prepared and not taken off guard; until Mateo came over. He looked at me with an expression of resentment, then turned his attention back to Blake.

"Man, don't forget about that party tonight! It's gonna be awesome!" he smiled. I'm pretty sure he was also trying to make a point that I was not invited to wherever they were going. He chuckled then went back to his asiento across the room.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I can't work tonight. Like tu heard, I have plans," Blake said.

"It's fine," I shrugged. He pursed his lips.

"You wanna come? Everyone's gonna be there," he offered. I smiled.

"No thanks. I've probably got plans tonight too," after yesterday, I'm sure Drew wants to give me a piece of his mind... o what's left of it.

"Ok," he said, kind of sadly.

"Isn't Heidi going?" I asked. I'd definitely not be going if his evil girlfriend would be there. But he shook his head.

"She has to go to her Aunt's o something. She's busy." I shrugged.

"I'm sure you'll have fun."

When I got home, my preconceptions were proven true. Drew screamed and yelled at me for ditching him yesterday. I didn't even bother to argue my point that he had told me to, because he wouldn't remember, and he wouldn't care.

"I don't even know why I put up with you! You're useless!" he hollered. I stood there and took it. Finally after what seemed like forever, he calmed down some. Then he sighed. "Come on, I've got plans for us tonight." As if right on cue, a horn honked. It was Laken and Blaine; apparently one of them had taken Drew's jeep to go get the other. Drew got in the driver's seat, switching with Blaine who took the passenger seat. Lucky me, I got to sit in the back with Laken. I'm not even going to describe the things he did on our drive. Let's just say I swore a lot, he didn't get the message, I fought back, and Drew was laughing the whole time.

We soon came to a club. I recognized the name; I've heard a lot of kids talk about it at school. When you're my age, it's a fun place to dance and hang out. If you're the legal age, it's also a fun place to get wasted. As we walked in, I noticed a couple faces from school, but I couldn't match a name with the face. Drew grabbed my wrist roughly and puled me to the lounging area; he never likes to dance, which I am grateful for.

"Go get us something's to drink," he ordered. I nodded obediently and sneaked over to the "Over Age" area to the bar. The bartender raised his eyebrows, but I showed him my fake ID that say I'm 22. I guess I could pass for a very short 22 año old. He shrugged and got me all four drinks I asked and paid for, with my own money of course. I went and handed Drew and Blaine their drinks first, then went back and got mine and Laken's. As I was walking past, someone bumped into me, spilling the cerveza all over me.

"Hey, man! Watch it!" I said. The guy turned around, then looked surprised. I was too, for lack of a better word.

It was Blake.
posted by BellaSwan636

I'd driven to the nearest airport, but even so, it was a three hora drive. It was mid morning when I got there, because I'd left my apartment at dawn.

I decided to leave my car in the parking lot. It wouldn't matter anymore.

They wouldn't be able to track me down. I'd upgraded my cellphone about a week hace and hadn't gotten around to telling anyone my number.

I stopped at an ATM and drew out the cost of a flight. To New York.

The line was frustratingly long, and my luck was clearly out because the siguiente flight was in another three hours. I checked my baggage in anyway, and sat down in...
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posted by BellaSwan636

About an hora after she called me, I was still sitting there. Unresponsive.

The phone rang again. I forced myself to pick it up.

It was Serena. She was crying.

"I couldn't do it," she said, before hanging up again.


I couldn't do it. As soon as I was out of the clinic, I drove home. When I'd parked my car, I couldn't hold the tears back.

I looked up, shocked. I had gone to my mother's house.

I stumbled out of the car, and my mother came running out. I collapsed in her warm arms, still sobbing.


I hear my daughter. Crying. I run outside, and hug my angel, my little angel.

I don't try to make her tell me what's wrong. She'll tell me when she wants to. I know her that well.
posted by BellaSwan636

All of that seems so long ago. más than the two years it has actually been. Because right now, I'm torn in my desperation and fear. Because right now, I am nineteen.

I am nineteen, and I have too much to fear. I made one mistake, and now my entire future has changed.

Two weeks ago, I found out.

I had just moved into my new apartment. It was close to the universidad I would be attending in the fall. Shaun is going to one in another state. He is helping me mover in. Finally, it is all done. He sits on the couch, and I go into my new cocina to fetch us something to drink.

This is probably...
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posted by BellaSwan636

Three months later, we were apparently "an item".

She had me twisted around her little finger. She could have made me jump in front of a bus, all that was needed was one look from her "love me, tu know tu want to" chocolate brown eyes.

I paid attention to her every move, her every word.


When I first told her I loved her, I was expecting rejection, but she surprised me. She kissed me, and dicho she loved me too. The sun revolved around where she stood.

Nothing else mattered.
posted by khfan12
 this is aqua
this is aqua
“You can’t catch me!” Chavez shouted. “Yes I can!” I yelled. I started to run faster. It was a great feeling. The wind in my face. “I can’t believe that people don’t like it out here….” My thoughts were interrupted por a voice. “Aqua!” Chavez…. I ran farther into the forest and stopped dead in my tracks. A few feet away, was Chavez, being wrestled to the ground por men in black suits. “Aqua run!” Chavez yelled when he saw me. I couldn’t move. I was frozen with fear. One of the guys in black started to run towards me. “Run!” Chavez repeated, right before they...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
I left Jason at his house while I drove to work. When I first walked into the building and straight to the elevator, floor twelve. I got of the elevator and waiting there was a woman with a clip board smiling at me well I don’t know if she was smiling at me o if her face was stuck like that but I greeted her.
“Hi I’m April Meyers; I’ll be your assistant.” She held her hand out and I took it. “Vanna is waiting for tu in her office. Do tu need anything?” She walked and talked. “No thank you, not right know.”
She opened the door and I stepped in and shut it. I couldn’t believe...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
I was half asleep half awake lying on my stomach. I could feel Jason’s cold fingers slowly moving up and down my bare back. He was humming a lullaby but I didn’t know what it was.
“Do tu still want to know my secret?” he asked in a soothing tone. It didn’t help that his voice so soft that it made it harder to stay awake. “Sure.” I dicho moving closer to him.
“I’ve none tu before tu were born.” He paused a second. Probably to make sure I wasn’t going to freak out. “I was friends with your mother before tu were even born before your mother met your father. I met her...
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Ximena knelt down besides the majestic bed. She could no longer hold back her tears. Her hands were wrapped around the lifeless form of the Cid. The cruel wound had finally extinguished the light which had burned bright and guided the people of Valencia through the dark times. Their beloved Cid was no more.

Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar, El Cid had commanded the Spanish conquistadors against the invasion of Yusuf‘s Berber armies. A mighty leader he was, who fought with supernatural vigour and whose energy was transmitted to all who fought beside him. Many legendary battles he had waged and won. Undefeated...
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What hast thou done unto my heart?
Unto my soul what hast become?
When I met thee at the very start,
I knew I could not tell my mum.

Thy language foul, it bothered me,
But I saw through thy ettiquit.
I had seen thine sincerity.
Our conversations my día lit.

What hast thou done unto my heart?
Unto my soul what hast become?
When I met thee at the very start,
I knew I could not tell my mum.

For hours we would sit and talk.
Secretly I admired thee.
My pain I let thee block.
I wanted to know if thou didst too amor me.

What hast thou done unto my heart?
Unto my soul what hast become?
When I met thee...
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posted by brooki
Hi. My name is Epira, but Epi for short,and I'm 15. I go to a school in the rural South Carolina area, with only 14 people in my class. I have a lot of friends who get themselves into a lot of trouble. Awsome family, and wonderful life. School starts back today, so it will be the first día I've seen my friends in a while!

"Epi!", squealed Kae,who is my bestest of all best friends. We have a lot in common, and amor each other like sisters. She has the coolest family and cutest little sister tu ever did see, Mackie. She was the only person I constantly talked to over the summer; I went over to...
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posted by Katiegirl
Nightfall was rising rapidly on this wondrous night.
    I found myself dozing into a heavenly sleep. My dreams
    began to indulge my inner thoughts seductively I could
    Feel myself falling into an internal state of mind. A place
    where only my dreams had a recollection of my desires
    of this world. In the outermost parts of my dream I
    could faintly hear the loud thunderous storm
    lurking outside my window. Slightly beyond
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posted by Katiegirl
        It was a cold, brisk day. Nightfall was upon the horizon. I strolled down the walkway towards a baron park. The park looked as if it has been around many generations. The park benches were rusted in a distinguished color clear to the solid ground. Keeping the park in existence, the higo, fig árbol leaves filled the surroundings like a flamboyant arco iris decorating the park. So bright, even in nightfall a person could find away through the darken park. Suddenly, beyond the benches, higo, fig trees, a young man stood steady as if withholding his emotions from...
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Chapter Seven

The siguiente day, on a Monday morning, it had been very good between Jamie and Michael. For the first time in weeks, Michael had slept fully on the same cama as Jamie, putting his arms around her to keep her warm but sadly, it had ended about two hours ago, around six when Michael got up and got himself ready por going to the bathroom and getting himself all clean and nice before leaving the house but he did one más thing before he went to the bathroom.

After waking up, he turned to his wife who was sleeping very peacefully with the sheets around her and to tell his wife that he loves...
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posted by Rockster
I'm escritura two novels, I know what most people think (WHY!) but i've decided to do one hand written and work upon it at school, where one of my teachers is happy to look at and talk to me about the errors that I've done. Whereas the other novel I'm working on the computer which i would like people to read it and discuss whats good and bad about it. Anyway, I've copied and pasted this novel that I've begun from an animal crossing foros and here it is.

Chapter 1: The Frowning Mirror

The heat swarmed around me, wrapping me with comfort and content. I knew that this feeling that conflicted with...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Ouch!” last night I was out to long and por the time I came inicial I was exhausted so I just slept on my mattress that laid on the floor.
    I woke to the waves crashing onto the apuntalar, costa and the sun light touching my eyes. Not realizing I was on the edge of my bed, I stretched and landed on the cold floor to my two room apartment.
    I got off the floor grabbing my silk bata de baño, albornoz that was sitting on parte superior, arriba of the box siguiente to my mattress. I walked over to my living room windows and opened the shades up to reveal a beautiful ocean. The sky was clear all for...
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posted by dragonrider
"So Starr what is going on?" my mom asks me when Elliot and I sit on the sofá "And who is this?" she motions to Elliot
"I'm Elliot from 2009. I'm excited to be here Mrs Makenzie I amor your daughter," he says
My mom raises her eyebrows "Oh wow already? Starr please explain,"
I sigh "I chose the wrong job mom. Oh sure I chose the job where it sounds the most interesting but little did I know I was working for the bad guys,"
My dad walks in with palomitas de maiz, palomitas de maíz and sits down "Please start at the beginning Starr I want to hear everything," he says
I sigh "Okay so tu guys know I was in 2009 right?"
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posted by dragonrider
"Oh my god Starr! Oh I didn't mean to surprise you! Well I did but I didn't know tu would faint! Oh wake up Starr!" Elliot's voice rang out
I feel him shaking me. I can't bring myself to open my eyes to see him.
"Well I guess I have to be like that prince in sleeping beauty and kiss tu awake," his voice rang out again. I feel pressure on my body
My eyes shoot open just in time before Elliot kisses me. I push him off.
"Get the hell of off me tu idiot!" I yell standing up. I brush myself. I rub the back of my head that is stinging in pain. I feel wet stuff come off my head. I look at it...
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posted by dragonrider
I storm out of the classroom quickly and plop myself at the couple of feet away from the class room.
I shouldn't let my temper get the best of me. I almost exposed myself to those fools. It's a good thing that I dicho probably in those sentences. I should be careful on what I say in there.
I hear a footstep and look up to see one of the most annoying human being on the planet Elliot. I glare and put my head down.
Elliot sits down across from me. His pale hands reach for my hands.
"Hey Starr what are doing out here?" he asks in his nosey way
I look up and stare and his pimple covered pale white...
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posted by dragonrider
My name is Starr Makenzie and I'm from the future. Don't laugh at me! It's true. I was born on May 8th 2099. I am currently 16 years old but I am in 2009 right now. I read in my book that 2009 was an interesting año for politics and for the economy. I wanted to come here for a couple of reasons but I can't tell tu why.
"Starr Makenzie!" My math teacher Mr. Howards yells at me "Pay attention!"
I look up from doodling and see everybody staring at me. They are all just jealous that I'm the only one getting an A+. I'm actually a really smart person but I don't pay attention in class anymore because...
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posted by dragonrider
Alex froze up as his hunter came near him with his bag. Alex started crying again but silently. His thoughts were raging out of control Should I tell him? Nah then he'll just kill me and my family Alex looked up in time to get slapped again.
"Tell me where your family is Alex! o else," Alex's hunter roared raising his hand again
Alex started to shake bad.
"N..No I will not Dude just kill me now so at least I can be in a happy place," he dicho looking down his tears dripping onto the hard wooden floor
The hunter laughed a big belly laugh. Alex looked up in time to get slapped again. Alex glared...
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