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Ten Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong



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gay marriage isn't wrong.
posted hace más de un año.
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LTboy said:
Of course gay marriage is not wrong, but the link is to a funny list that throws anti-gay-marriage logic out the window. :D
posted hace más de un año.
last edited hace más de un año
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Haha, that's some good logic right there. I really don't understand why people think gay marriage is wrong anyway, it's perfectly fine!
posted hace más de un año.
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posted hace más de un año.
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Renarimae said:
That is so weird, I mean, the whole "gay couples make gay children and straight couples make straight children" thing is retarded. I mean, look at most LGBT people, they usually have straight parents and lots of gay couples' children are usually straight.

And also, things in straight marriages have changed, women aren't treated like property very much anymore, and usually if they were, the man would almost always be dubbed a "wife-beater", "a**hole", "sick", "conceited", "abusive", "sexist", etc. And actually blacks CAN marry whites now, sure it might get critism, but c'mon, this isn't the 1950s people!

Plus, marriage isn't JUST for producing children, it's for commitment and love. I mean, if a couple wants to have children, they should, and if they don't, they shouldn't have to reproduce. I mean this world has enough children and not enough baby/child animals, and I wouldn't want Earth to become plagued by overpopulation and animal extinctions.

Too, what's so freaking sacred about Britney Spears' little, two-day first marriage anyway?! I mean, yeah she was married for 55 hours, that doesn't do crap!

And really, there isn't only one religion in America. Besides Christianity, there's Judaism, New Age, Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness, etc. Along with that, there's also agnosticism and athiesm. So there definitely isn't just one religion here.

And children of single or gay parents can't succeed? Bullcrap! Look at LeBron James, Gretchen Wilson, Justin Bieber, etc. They were raised by single parents and turned out to be very successful in life. Single parents can be good parents, it's happened before so it sure ain't impossible. Just like married parents can end up producing a bad seed, like the Columbine kids.

Even though, technically, it is unnatural. But hey, so are mental disorders and birth defects. (I have Asperger's Syndrome.)

Don't get me wrong though, me and my family do have Conservative Christian values, even though, I guess I have a moderate or slightly liberal streak.
posted hace más de un año.
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LTboy said:
If nature made it then it is not 'unnatural' - get a clue, 'technically.'
posted hace más de un año.
last edited hace más de un año
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Renarimae said:
You're right on that, I made a total blunder.
posted hace más de un año.
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LTboy said:
Well, ok :). It's just that a lot people say that it is unnatural and I hate that - they say it so people will feel like who and what they are is bad. It may feel unnatural for straight people to engage in homosexual acts but it is natural for gay people to do so cuz it's in their nature.
posted hace más de un año.
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Poseidon3 said:
It's not wrong! Two of my aunts are gay, one of them's married.
posted hace más de un año.
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heisman7 said:
Marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman. Simple as that.
posted hace más de un año.
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Love has nothing to do with sexual preference. Love is a matter of emotions, and a chemical connection of two people. It doesn't distinguish male or female or the sexual gender of the two that connect. It just is. There is not a single thing immoral or wrong with a marriage no matter who the pairing or sexes of the two being paired. It's not a gay marriage, hello IT'S A UNION OF TWO PEOPLE WHO LOVE ONE ANOTHER, NO MATTER THE GENDERS OF THE UNION.

Now on a different view. Why not? If a man and woman get married and it doesn't work the divorce BS is Hell. Why not let them join in the fun? LOL Just a joke but serious. No matter a persons choice on how they choose to live their life is their right. The benefits and down falls are the same.

When I use choice I mean no matter it be heterosexual, bi-sexual, or gay that is a persons right to live the life they feel is for them. If it be by choice or nature who am I to say. Who are you to say you or anyone else knows better about how a person should live their lives? It harms no one and is a right for their personal goal for happiness. Who gave anyone else the right to determine what makes another happy?
posted hace más de un año.
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The only thing that bothers me about gay marriage is if they legalize it (nationwide instead of by state decision) wouldn't it trigger people wanting to do more than just that like say someone would want to get married to their pet or something? Sounds stupid I know but think about it: say marijuana gets legalized..soon someone will say legalize another drug like cocaine--a bit drastic yeah but there are crazy people out there and will use it as way to get what they want.

Besides that, I don't really care--gays aren't hurting anybody.
posted hace más de un año.