The Glamix girls: siguiente Generation Club
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Told por the voice of reason - Ted Remus Lupin

The train came to a full stop and everyone got their stuff and started to get out of the train. We were at the train station in Hogsmade. Everyone was walking from place to place. Teens of all ages and some proffesors. I lost track of Fred, Jame and Emma. I was completely lost between all the people. I felt as if I didnt belong here, which I didnt thanks to my condition. I shouldnt have come, I know I shouldnt. I knew I would have no friends. Who would want to be friend with a werewolf? But Dumbledore was really kind and accepted me at school.

"Firs' years this way, firs' years over here! Follow me, mind yer step!" I turned around to the fuente of the voice.
It was a huge man, his face was nearly hidden por a long shaggy mane of enredados hair and long beard, beetle like eyes shone out of his face. I knew he was Hagrid, I had seen him before when I had come months hace to talk to Dumbledore about my condition.

"come on Ted" dicho a gentle voice from behind. I turned around to see Emma Malfoy smiling at me. "Hagrid is calling for us!"

We followed Hagrid down a steep, narrow path, which suddenly opened onto the edge of a big black lake, where a fleet of small boats floated in the water. I looked over to the other side of the lake, a large castillo stood on parte superior, arriba of a large mountain, that had to be Hogwarts, lights glinted out of the many windows, and there was a mass of turrets and towers. It was huge.

"Righ' then! No more'n four ta a boat! Get in! An' no misbehavin'!" Hagrid moved over to the boats, and scrambled into one.

I followed Emma and we both got in a barco with James and Fred. I couldn't believe I have made friends so fast. James, Emma and fred seemed to really like me and I couldnt help but being happy about it.

"They won't like tu anymore once they find out about you" I thought. Of course they wouldn't like me if they found out if I was a werewolf. They'd hate me.

Hagrid's voice broke off my thoughts as he shouted "FORWARD!" and the boats, magically obeying, moved off in an instant.

We soon reached the other side of the lake. The boats stopped as we got to a kind of underground harbor, and we scrambled out of the boats onto a pebbly ground. We then followed Hagrid up a passageway and finally came out to stand in front of the huge castle. We followed Hagrid up a flight of stone steps and stopped in front of a large oak door.

Hagrid knocked on the door and it swung open instantly to reveal a tall witch with a very stern face.

"Her' the firs' years Professor McGonagall" dicho Hagrid to the witch.
"Thank tu Hagrid, I'll take them from here," McGonagall said.

We followed her into a huge Entrance Hall, then we went into a small chamber off the hall, which we crowded into.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. The start of term feast will start in a moment, but before it does tu will be sorted into four different houses. They are: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, your house will be like your family while tu are at Hogwarts, tu will sleep in your house dormitory …" Professor McGonagall talked on and on about the houses, I only half listened, my stomach felt like it was doing somersaults, I was so nervous. I looked around the other students. They looked excited, others also nervouse but they don't have any worries except for which House they'll be Sorted into. The only worries they'll have is handing their homework in on time, meeting new people, starting a new school, not getting lost and turning up late to class. I had all these worries, and something much bigger that I carried over my shoulders. I carried the weight an eleven-year-old boy should never have to bear. I carried the burden of being a murderous monster, the burden that will ever keep me from living a normal life.

"The sorting ceremony will start in a few minutes" dicho McGonagall "So please follow me inside in order"

We all walked inside the Great Hall. It was huge and like anything I had ever seen before. There were 4 huge tables lined vertical and in front of them was another big mesa, tabla but it was lined horizontal. The 4 vertical tables were filled with students and I guessed they were the houses tables. The one mesa, tabla in front was the staff mesa, tabla where all the proffesors were sitted. I saw as some of the proffesors placed a hair with a hat on parte superior, arriba of it in front of all of us.

"The Sorting ceremony will start now. Please, step in front when I call your name" announced McGonagall. She took a roll of Perchment and started to call for names.

"Abbott, Hannah!"

A girl with curly brown hair stepped in front. McGonagall put the hat on her head and then it soon called

"HUFFLEPUFF!!" the girl smiled as the Hugglepugg mesa, tabla cheered and made her way to sit there.

"Boot, Trevor"
"Cornfoot, Stephen"

I was getting even más nervouse. I didnt know in what house I belonged. My father was a Gryffindor and my mother was a Hufflepuff. maybe I was a Gryffindor o a Hufflepuff?

"Jones, Megan"

My grandmother had told me I would fit well in Ravenclaw too. I really didnt mind any of those 3 houses...but there was something that was for sure. I really didnt want to be sorted into Slytherin.
I heard all the Dark Wizards come from there. But then again, maybe there was where I belonged. I was a dark creature after all...

"Lupin, Ted" I jumped when I heard my name. I took a deep breath and stepped in front.

Everyone was staring at me...oh God. what if the sorting hat told me I didnt belong in any house 'cause I was a werewolf?

" inteligent mind I see" started to talk the sorting hat "you would fit well in any house. oh yes tu will...but tu are too scared of yourself to be a gryffindor. could be a ravenclaw but that doesnt fits, and tu are not a slytherin tu are a HUFFLEPUFF!"

the hufflepuff mesa, tabla cheered and clapped at me. I was realived, I did belonged in a house and it was not slytherin! I smiled and went to take my sit on the Hufflepuff table. I wondered where the others were going to be sorted. it would be great if we all were in the same house. I turned my view to the front when I heard Emma's name being called.

"Malfoy, Emma" everyone went quiet and looked closely at Emma. The hat was talking, but no one could hear what it was saying.
"SLYTHERIN!" Emma did not moved at first. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth hanged a little open. all the slytherins cheered when she took her asiento in the mesa, tabla and I heard the other tables whispering. They all knew who Emma was, her father was well known in the wizarding community and everyone thought she was going to be a dark wizard like the rest of her family had been. I couldnt help but think she didnt belong there. She was sweet and could she be a slytherin?

"Potter, James" my attention was once again to the front and I saw as McGonagall put the sorting hat on Jame's head.
"GRYFFINDOR!!" the Gryffindors cheered as he took his place. He was also famouse, but for better reasons. His father was the one who had defeated You-Know-Who 10 years ago...

"Weasley, Fred" So far, all of us had been sorted into different houses and I wondered in what house fred was going to be sorted. Probably a Gryffindor, all the Weasleys were gryffindors.
"RAVENCLAW!" the ravenclaw cheered. He, too, was well known. his family had become famouse since the war. They had all being friends with Harry Potter years ago...and he was also, James' cousin.

So...we all were sorted into different houses. One in each house. This got us a little bit distant. I had a few classes with one of them but we never really talked to us since the train. A few "hellos" o something...but never a whole conversation. Everyone seemed to be making their own friends from their houses...everyone except me. I locked myself away from everyone. I came to the plan I didnt want friends. If I had friends, I would have to lie to them every month. I couldnt tell them my secret...and anyways, they would leave me if they found out I am a what is the point if one way o another I am going to be lonely?
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added by winxlove2
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added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
Source: viria13
added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
Source: Viria13
added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
Source: viria13
added by winxlove2
Source: vira13