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sexo y sexualidad Pregunta

i know abortions r wrong and cruel and just plain mean, but if u have one, do u know if it will hurt u, the baby o both? i just wanna know.

Are tu asking if there are health risks involved in an abortion?
Cinders posted hace más de un año
yes that's exactly what i wanted 2 know!
princess829 posted hace más de un año
ive heard abortions are extremly painful and im not sure about if the baby feels and yes there can be health risks always when dealing with medical procedures stuff can go wrong
justinluver303 posted hace más de un año
its a dead subject. they made it legal. jeaz but yeah i have segundo thoughts about it but really its ON THE WOMANS CHOICE!
Lantage1 posted hace más de un año
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sexo y sexualidad  mejor respuesta

Cinders said:
OK, well now that we've clarified... there are health risks involved in an abortion procedure. Clearly, tu are terminating a pregnancy, so the health of the fetus isn't really a concern.

This link lists all the information tu need to know on possible health risks concerning abortions. These include hemorrhage, infection, and perforation (puncture) of an organ por a surgical tool. However, these risks can be minimized por employing a skilled doctor who uses sterile instruments.

The risks are different in a late-term abortion, and these are detailed in the link above.

There are health risks involved in every medical procedure, and it is always important to know those risks. To say that "abortions are wrong and cruel" is an opinion. I do not judge any woman who made an informed decision about her pregnancy, no matter what that decision is.
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posted hace más de un año 
damn u know everything about sex dontcha
K5-HOWL posted hace más de un año
PonygirlCurtis7 posted hace más de un año
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skibbles1234 said:
1.) DUH!!! of course it is going to hurt the baby! The baby is going to die!!! DONT listen to ppl saying tht abortion is ok cuz its NOT! If the baby is able to grow and mover and kick then it is ALIVE! abortion is murder! u r intentionally taking the babys life away! This child doesnt even hav a chance to fight for life!...thts the sad part bout it! this child isnt gonna grow up and do what it wishes!

2.) There are VERY high chances that tu will get hurt! Chances are high that tu might commit suicide from the guilt, pain, knowing it was wrong, and many más reasons.

PLEASE SEARCH: GIANNA JESSEN! read her story! she was aborted from a saline abortion and when her mother was supposed to giv birth to the dead baby like all the other women in the room she ended up giving birth to a baby that was alive! the other women were devistated knowing wat they already had done...If u get an abortion u will deffinitly regret it!
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posted hace más de un año 
xBellaxEwardx21 said:
Well for one, A abortion hurts alittle. Not to much but alittle. i have never had one nor will i. But I have read up on them. TYhe pain is minor it might jsut feel like period cramps. And ofcorse its hurting the baby. There is a video on youtube if tu type in abortionw here the baby literally is trying to get away from the tube. Because during abortion they suck the baby out. People might not think so but it really is murder and its just horrible.
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posted hace más de un año 
nafela said:
i havnt had an abortion before but from what i know an abortion is not a risk to your health
but tu will expirience blood lose for up to a week and it does contain a bit of pain
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posted hace más de un año 
i hope your not planning an abortion because it is realy cruel and did i mention it means your taking the life of your own baby
nafela posted hace más de un año
There are several health risks in abortion-- some serious, some minor, some physical, and some emotional. I suggest taking a look at the site I publicado in my answer: link
Cinders posted hace más de un año
EverybodyLies said:
Well, from what I've heard, an abortion does hurt you. The baby dies, and in some crude cases (it's usually not like this) tu could get an infection.
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posted hace más de un año 
I am pro-life, and I hope you're not considering one. As nafela said, it is taking a life.
EverybodyLies posted hace más de un año
Confused102 said:
if u have an abortion theres some chance that tu won't be able to have another baby ever again
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posted hace más de un año 
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