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sexo y sexualidad Pregunta

Don't laugh at me... just read the thing.

Er... well. This is embarassing. But here we go then, chums.

I turn fourteen in August and I have a boyfriend, a few months hace we discovering new things. And when we do stuff like that I just get so excited and horny but then we just STOP DOING IT. I'd like to go further but for some reason he won't and he won't even tell me why he doesn't want to and it REALLY PISSES ME OFF. I keep asking him whether he thinks we're too young but he just doesn't say so we end up having huge rows because he just won't tell me what's bugging him, so then I get pissed and said, trying not to boast, lots of boys I know would shag me tomorrow if I asked. That really sent him mental. So does anyone have any ideas what's UP with him?! Jeez.

And I get so tense! I can't masturbate because... (don't laugh) I can't actually... find it. And I'm scared I might break something (even though I'm pretty sure I broke my hymen at horse camp three years ago). So all the time at school o dance classes I get really jittery and no one can touch me o otherwise I explode. It's mental. Does anyone have a solution?
 Mrs-Grint posted hace más de un año
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sexo y sexualidad Respuestas

LadyLilith said:
Don't worry about being embarrassed. =]

Hmm...this is a bit unusual, but he's probably just scared to take the leap. Maybe he's worried you'll get pregnant. o he's just scared of the unknown. I think it's probably nervousness, and he wants to be a good lover when it happens and he's afraid he'll humiliate himself. I suggest just enjoying what tu guys are doing now. When he's feeling más confident, he'll let tu know. If he doesn't, then that's not the problem; it's something deeper.

I highly doubt you'll break your hymen, if tu still have it (women break their hymens in normal situations often so tu may have broke yours, I don't know). It will be too far up in your body for tu to reach it (assuming you're using your fingers). So don't worry about that. Masturbating is obviously a very personal thing; it may sound gross, but you'll have to explore yourself and find out what tu like. tu may be embarrassed to do so, but remember: masturbating is a normal thing for people to do. It's natural, and helps relieve tension in your body. Whenever tu get in that mood (assuming you're at home), go to your room o take a bath/shower; make sure you're relaxed so tu won't freak out with what you're doing. And then just explore. You'll be glad tu did.

And if anyone can't handle my consejos to her, then tu probably shouldn't be on the sex spot. :) Please be mature and keep in mind that sometimes people have preguntas that they need answered.
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posted hace más de un año 
And be sure to think of some one who turns tu on, like, ur BF or... a certain celeb(Lilith knows exactly who I'm talking about)
LoveforSeverus posted hace más de un año
Ah, how could I forget to mention that? :) Haha yes definitely, your imagination is your best friend when tu masturbate, so don't be afraid to use it!
LadyLilith posted hace más de un año
Ahaha, thanks XD
Mrs-Grint posted hace más de un año
lovelyass said:
well first of all what age is he?
and " I'm pretty sure I broke my hymen at horse camp three years ago" hahaha wtf?!
depends what u do already,maybe he dosnt no what to do and might be embarassed...
o maybe he thinks ur just not ready
o MAYBE he's bi?
ORRR MAYBE he just dosnt have a dick?(:
but round here if u give it up to a fella he'll take it. its weird.

btw ur 13? thats wayyyy too young to be having sex,ull regret it when ur older.take my advise its beter to be a child for as long as u can.

and ull "explode" wtf is that bout.ur not a fella wanking off!!

haha dont think i helped at all but meh. (:
have fun as a 16yr old mother .
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posted hace más de un año 
Wow, tu were a little bitchy. She just wanted some advice. And I'm pretty sure I broke my hymen at horse camp three years ago" actually happens a lot. Not the circumstance, but women break their hymen in very ordinary situations, such as exercising.
LadyLilith posted hace más de un año
Actually most horse riders DON'T have hymens. I think I broke mine just riding. It's not uncommon for athletes period.
LoveforSeverus posted hace más de un año
Yeah, but tu were actuación like a rude cow. Tone it down.
Mrs-Grint posted hace más de un año
Hellohoudini said:
Well I think tu can only 'break' your hymen when something is inserted... so if tu think tu broke it at horse camp...maybe tu should go checked out por a doctor?

And I agree...13 is way to young to be having sex...whats the hurry?

As for masturbating..I'm pretty sure tu wont break anything but 'google' can get some really good tips on how to do it correctly....though I guess if it makes tu feel good theres not really a wrong way.

Ok..your could be a few things...
1. Hes a young boy and young boys tend to uh.."finish" early and sometimes they have no control of maybe that happened to him when he was with tu and he's embarrassed about it.
2. Maybe he's scared of going all the way...guys are allowed to feel like that.
3. Maybe he's unsure on how to do it and doesnt want to make a fool out of himself in front of you.
4. Maybe he's not totally sure of his sexuality and thats freaking him out.

Whatever the trying to force the issue por getting mad at him o bringing up other guys is not going to help at all and will probably push him away from you. Relax..take a step back and see that sex isnt the only thing in a relationship...maybe if tu focus on the other reasons why tu guys like each'll start to get along better.

Good luck sweetie!

Update: I found this on the web....I dont know if its true o not...but it was interesting...
There is nothing about riding a horse that can 'break' (the hymen doesn't break, it wears away, stretches o tears, and it does not just tear once, it tears multiple times over your life), just like no other sports can cause your hymen to 'break'.

For your hymen to be torn there has to be penetration – the hymen is within the opening of your vagina, it has inner and outer labia to protect it from damage, so unless horseback riding can damage your labia (it can't) then there is no way for it to then be able to damage your hymen. Even with penetration the hymen doesn't always tear. To quote Scarleteen (the most reliable sex education fuente around);

"Can the vaginal corona "break" when tu ride a bike o a horse?

No. Since the vaginal corona isn’t a brittle membrane, physical exercise doesn’t break it. The vaginal corona is located 1–2 cm inside the vaginal opening – in other words, entirely within the vestibule. A whole bunch of things (vaginal discharges, hormonal changes, menses, masturbation, sex) can wear the corona away más over time, living your life among them, but that's not about breaking anything."

My Corona: The Anatomy Formerly Known as the Hymen & the Myths That Surround It – link
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posted hace más de un año 
Athletes hymens often break. My sex ed teacher's daughter had it happen while riding.
LoveforSeverus posted hace más de un año
Aaaw, thank you.
Mrs-Grint posted hace más de un año
Monrose said:
At a... horse camp...? I hope to God the caballos weren't involved?

Well, I don't know what his problem is, but it seems to me like he's having a tiny penis. Don't worry. If you're like most girls, you'll get over it. tu have the... um... chemistry and.. amor and all that crap.
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posted hace más de un año 
Athletes hymens often break. My sex ed teacher's daughter had it happen while riding.
LoveforSeverus posted hace más de un año
Well, I've heard stories about horse camps...
Monrose posted hace más de un año
*dies laughing* Well, no, that in THAT way. Thanks for your answer, it made me laugh. =D
Mrs-Grint posted hace más de un año
MissKnowItAll posted hace más de un año
MissKnowItAll said:
Firstly, I think 13 is way too young to be having sex. Sex is illegal before 16.

Anyway, he may not want to go further because he is embarassed o uncomfortable in himself. He may think he isn't ready.

Make sure you're ready before tu do anything.

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posted hace más de un año 
yep make sure your completely sure b4 u rush in2 things, mayb he just wants 2
rAsberrStrarS posted hace más de un año
take it slow and wait 4 the both of u 2 b ready
rAsberrStrarS posted hace más de un año
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