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severus snape Pregunta

Do tu ever feel like tu can relate to Snape?

o identify with him in any way? ... For example with his personality, o problems...
 stickymonkey posted hace más de un año
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severus snape Respuestas

LadyNottingham said:
How funny... this question. I'm in the process of a professional assessment and I explained that I can be cold and even hard on people, never to mean o do harm, but to ensure a más general interest. I think that's one of the things I can relate to Severus. Besides, I think I would have been sorted in Slytherin, dado my frame of mind and my ambition (not that I have realized much anyway - lol - not yet !). Besides, I have a multi-track mind, some people even say I have a powerful intellect. That causes me problems at work sometimes as it scares people (they think I'm after their jobs). Heck, not all the bosses on earth are like Albus Dumbledore ! (And I met quite a few Tom Riddle in the making...)
All in all, I scare people. But those that are not scared feel secure with me (though I can't hex my enemies - pity, some truly deserve it).
Besides, while teenagers may drool over the youngsters in the movie, older things in their late 30s like me are más than content to drool on our gorgeous Potions Master. *drool*
Yes, I can relate to Severus in many ways.
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posted hace más de un año 
I forgot to add that further to that professional assessment, I did the MBTI test. I am the INTJ type, and I read somewhere on the net an analysis about what kind of MBTI type Severus could be. The autor stated that he was an INTJ type - like me !!! Really great !!!
LadyNottingham posted hace más de un año
whats INTJ type ?? O.o
popo6 posted hace más de un año
It's one of the 16 types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test, which helps defining what type of personality tu are. This kind of test is very serious and conducted por professionals (psychology, recruitment, etc), not the kind of test tu may find in cheap girlie magazines. The explanation would be quite lengthy but it's very interesting. If tu want to know más about the INTJ, please leave me a message on my muro and I'll reply to tu there. There's also stuff on the internet (Wikipedia), just to give tu an idea.
LadyNottingham posted hace más de un año
Ok thx :)
popo6 posted hace más de un año
BellatrixCissy said:
Well not really I can relate más to Bellatrix. But I understand how he felt towards Lily.
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posted hace más de un año 
Yeah, maybe he is jealous por James that James is married 2 Lily and he isn`t 4 Snape has a crush on Lily 4 making James 2 stop picking on him.
bunnyhoppi posted hace más de un año
nigahigarocks98 said:
PPP! Snape...Snape...Severus Snape...DUMBLEDORE!!!
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posted hace más de un año 
i agree! (yes i can, a bit- but I'm a girl so it's the whole lilly thing in reverse)
Monkeyillusion posted hace más de un año
bri-marie said:
I can, a little bit. más so with his adult life than his younger life. We both hold grudges and become very unreasonable when told something we don't want to hear. We both enjoy being alone and are both very blunt with our opinions.
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posted hace más de un año 
Vixie79 posted hace más de un año
which is sexy. xD
SnapeSoulmate posted hace más de un año
I understand tu about when someone tell tu something tu don't wanna hear!!
popo6 posted hace más de un año
Roxas1314 said:
hell yes! were practically twins!go eat a cactus POTTER!
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posted hace más de un año 
TaladarkieJJ said:
I can.. in some ways (mostly because of his youth/schooldays and a litte bit his personality..)
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posted hace más de un año 
Faith-Rulz said:
just with how he was treated por others in his school days and i was alittle introverted when i was younger not so much now lol
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posted hace más de un año 
gabyrdzs said:
not at all but por the way he felt about Lily, yes i undestood perfectly
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posted hace más de un año 
Snapegirl15 said:
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posted hace más de un año 
SnapesRose said:
Oh YES!!!
Got picked on in school. Got betrayed/dumped por my best GF (though I knew it was coming). Misunderstood, my thought process seems to be different from others. My intentions misunderstood. I get very obsessive when interested in something. So, yes, I can very much relate to Severus!!!
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posted hace más de un año 
Hello my sister in thought ! I think I can relate to tu too !
LadyNottingham posted hace más de un año
snapeislove said:
well, maybe snape and i were related,i can totally understand him, there were times that i mostrar less affection to people because i know how life is to people who is so "showy" about their feelings, no matter how angry i am im still able to control myself and calm my mind,i always have the belief that the only weapon in being hurt is to mostrar less feeling about stuffs o people no matter how involved tu may feel, i believe that hiding what tu really feel is the best thing to do to avoid further suffering and to discipline the mind is to build strength ..
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posted hace más de un año 
IcyBlue29 said:
Yes, in a small way when I was in junior high. I had a crush on a boy that I was friends with, but he was already taken. We were friends so I never told him how I felt till much later; after high school, but I was no longer into him por then. We are still good friends and we some times laugh together about my one time crush I had one him.
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posted hace más de un año 
bunnyhoppi said:
I relate 2 him por hardly have any friends 4 support o protection.

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posted hace más de un año 
tu do not need an army of come and go friends tu only need one true friend that understands tu even if that friend is YOU!!!!
severusgirlx posted hace más de un año
twilight-muse said:
Definitely yes, that's why I like him. Particularly when I was younger I was the loner and they liked to pick on me, like Snape has been.
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posted hace más de un año 
sapiencia said:
I do think I can relate to him, although I'm probably somewhat biased and grasping for any way to familiar myself with him.

Our personalities are very similar. I have been told I appear very cold and sinister toward others. Even belittling. I am very quiet, I keep to myself. I have that 'lurking' feel about me, just a shadow on the wall. I have been through a lot of depression, but I have never shown it. It has only made me hard and bitter. I can really see myself doing and saying the things he does, although I am not proud of this. He has the stylish, mysterious flair I crave. I don't know whether o not I appear that way, but I seriously doubt it. I feel like others must receive me in the same manner that he is received -- with loathe and fear. No one understands me. (Whoo, angsty teenage glory!) I can never let my real self be known. I cannot trust.

I have never been in a situation romantically resembling his, outside of 'pining' for many crushes, which, I'm sure could never even begin to compare to his heartbreak. My father, who I was very close to, betrayed me and my family and left when I was about the age Severus was when Lily rejected him. This isn't the same, I know, but as I have already mentioned, I'm probably hopelessly grasping for excuses. I am, too, a prisoner of my feelings, which, brought upon por various things, tear at me constantly, but again, I can't compare this to his problems.

His relationship with Lily was heartbreaking and beautiful. It makes my corazón throb. But beyond that, I cannot compare to it.
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posted hace más de un año 
One pregunta How much a teenager? Trust me, everyone feels like an outsider as a teenager. Also the way tu are percieved then feels so degrating. Guess what? The assholes in your life now won't even matter ina a few years. Allowing someone to make tu feel bad is allowing them to own you.
andisue posted hace más de un año
However, betrayal por a parent is a scar tu oso, oso de for your whole life, not just a teenager thing. That's very hard but if that can soothe you, we learn to live with our wounds. I'm old enough to tell tu it's possible, having gone through many of those wounds and scars. Not easy, but not impossible.
LadyNottingham posted hace más de un año
top51 said:
Yes I sure can relate to Severus in many ways. I was picked on at school. This brought on being lonely ,depressed, If pushed in this direction I can be very cold ,sneaky to use as a tool for self defense. I'm told a lot por many I very stubborn . I can relate to really wanting to be with someone and I can't be with them.
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posted hace más de un año 
Germany-ftw said:
In many ways we are the same.
In many ways we differ.


I can totally relate to his unfaltering and unconditional amor towards Lily- a amor that would never be returned.

We both enjoy solitude and are very loyal, although we may appear to stray from time to time...

We both can be depressed at times, but always have that one thing moving us forward: love.

We both also may appear to be rather odd people, but I think we both cherish that fact.

We feel alone most of the time, because we really are. No one quite understands us.

Lastly, we both are bound por what other people perceive us to be and por our own feelings.

PS: We both put fear into people and we're both sexy beasts.
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posted hace más de un año 
andisue said:
yes, having a dark side that isn't understood

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posted hace más de un año 
TheNightHawk said:
Yes, I have a very similar personality to him; sarcastic, misunderstood, really smart, kind of a loner.
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posted hace más de un año 
JavaJoker said:
I get a little maniacal grin when I grade students' papers ;)
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posted hace más de un año 
lol thats such an awesome thing to do xD
SnapeSoulmate posted hace más de un año
xD yeahh have the power to grade someone xD
popo6 posted hace más de un año
"sh-she has that look again... OMG I FAILED DIDNT I!?!? AHHHH!!" javajoker: *still wicked grin*
SnapeSoulmate posted hace más de un año
popo6 posted hace más de un año
Vixie79 said:
Yes, I could. I have always felt great empathy for him because of what has happened in my life mostly when I was younger and as a child. But, I'm not going to get in to that here heh. Let's just say that I am equally as amargo, amargos as he is. I can say that Snape still has a corazón though.
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posted hace más de un año 
dallas4991 said:
a little... if he wasn't so petty about the past, then he'd be way less pissed off all the time!
but I see where he's coming from.

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posted hace más de un año 
snowwhite2 said:
My guess is that most people here can relate to Severus Snape. Sure he's totally gorgeous and sexy. His voice is awesome and the way he moves is mesmerizing. His personality, and his experiences that have created that personality, draw us to him like a polilla, polilla de la to a flame. Personally,I have similar personality traits as our professor. I believe one site classified him as INTJ Myers-Briggs while mine is ISTJ. I totally get him and where he is coming from.
Like LadyNottingham, I am a little older. If I were a character in Hogwarts, I would be Severus Snape's soulmate. ALWAYS <3 Severus

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posted hace más de un año 
I'm happy to read that someone read the same thing as I did about this MBTI test (the Myers-Briggs test). Thanks for confirming it !
LadyNottingham posted hace más de un año
Brigidme said:
Yes I certainly do. I had a childhood that was like Snape's. I also know what it was like to be bullied.
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 Yes I certainly do. I had a childhood that was like Snape's. I also know what it was like to be bullied.
posted hace más de un año 
frostydragon said:
In many way I feel like he is the male version of myself. My childhood was not very great so I filled my time with a quest for knowledge to over come the lack of self esteem. I still that one should strive to better themselves no matter what and knowledge is the key in all aspects of life. Severus' statement that the mind is not a book to be opened at leisure so hits home.
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posted hace más de un año 
severusgirlx said:
i think most snape fans relate to him in some way otherwise they would not understand the complexness of him.. we must not forget how Valiente he was to carry on his life and live it in torment and then to have to teach his tormentors son???...
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posted hace más de un año 
TheSilverDoe said:
I can relate to how he felt about Lily (not that I fell in amor with her too lol but that I know how it feels to how found the amor of your life and not be able to have them). I can also relate to the anger he feels of losing her to his worst enemy. I'm not sure I'm as Valiente as him though, I wouldn't have the valour to devote the rest of my life to the torture of looking at the child who symbolised what I'd lost as well as the enemy I most hated. It's not even my child, so Sod Harry, I would've been off doing something that made me happy again lol

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posted hace más de un año 
Oh and my friend has just informed me that I'm also similar to Snape in that I don't 'give anything away' about myself easily. hmmm
TheSilverDoe posted hace más de un año
popo6 said:
Yes sometimes i do relate o identify myself to Snape when i am at school sometimes with my friends o with my parents.At school they were a guy that i loved but he never loved me! I have been bullied when i was younger por my 2 friends, cuz one día i just started to cry for something and they dicho that i was a baby soo they start to bully me ( i was 8 years old) it stop 3 months later when i told my teacher.

My parents They have a big difference, my dad is really older than my mom so they shout (a lot) at each other and i'm always hearing them and i'm always in the middle .But i do not identify my self with severus all the time cuz now at school i'm the girl who make laugh. People at my school might know what i like but they don't know my inner self.

When i'm pissed i can be very cold and sarcastic. I would say i'm a good actrice like my mom say tu lie like tu breath so in a way Snape does lie very well soo.. And i'm an introvert. :S sometimes when i hang around with my friend, i start to be annoy really a lot and i just want to be alone cuz sometimes she just start to praise herself and tell (with subtility) that my stuff is ugly and all that, sometimes i think that she doesn't even recognize that she praise herself too much, my parents always say that she is an awsome girl but ... she is my friend she has her bad side and her good side soo i have to keep everything in me i keep absorbing every *insult like a sponge.
For me sometimes its hard to make friends because of my hands (they are different)soo i just sometimes fell really alone and sad because of that difference because some people just can't get over it.but i do have a lot a good friend. But i have a good life i have huge up and downs but my life is ok its not really like snape childhood mine is happier but still every one gots problem like this they can relate to Snape.!
I don't know for tu but every time i'm sad, angry o just confused i always say * I'm tired i'm going to go sleep. My room is my best friend!!

Sometimes i amor to be alone cuz i can be in my world and no one is here to burst my bubble *wich people at my school invade my bubble every día soo i just stay distant like this they will live me alone* cuz alone i can think, i can be myself even my parents can't invade my bubble when i'm alone. :) At school i'm Ms. Know-It-All cuz for me when people say to me that i'm the girl who have answer to everything i feel good cuz my sel esteem just become a little bit higher but it doesn't really last long.

I identify más my self to Alan Rickman and Draco Malfoy
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 Yes sometimes i do relate o identify myself to Snape when i am at school sometimes with my friends o with my parents.At school they were a guy that i loved but he never loved me! I have been bullied when i was younger por my 2 friends, cuz one día i just started to cry for something and they dicho that i was a baby soo they start to bully me ( i was 8 years old) it stop 3 months later when i told my teacher. My parents They have a big difference, my dad is really older than my mom so they shout (a lot) at each other and i'm always hearing them and i'm always in the middle .But i do not identify my self with severus all the time cuz now at school i'm the girl who make laugh. People at my school might know what i like but they don't know my inner self. When i'm pissed i can be very cold and sarcastic. I would say i'm a good actrice like my mom say tu lie like tu breath so in a way Snape does lie very well soo.. And i'm an introvert. :S sometimes when i hang around with my friend, i start to be annoy really a lot and i just want to be alone cuz sometimes she just start to praise herself and tell (with subtility) that my stuff is ugly and all that, sometimes i think that she doesn't even recognize that she praise herself too much, my parents always say that she is an awsome girl but ... she is my friend she has her bad side and her good side soo i have to keep everything in me i keep absorbing every *insult like a sponge. For me sometimes its hard to make friends because of my hands (they are different)soo i just sometimes fell really alone and sad because of that difference because some people just can't get over it.but i do have a lot a good friend. But i have a good life i have huge up and downs but my life is ok its not really like snape childhood mine is happier but still every one gots problem like this they can relate to Snape.! I don't know for tu but every time i'm sad, angry o just confused i always say * I'm tired i'm going to go sleep. My room is my best friend!! Sometimes i amor to be alone cuz i can be in my world and no one is here to burst my bubble *wich people at my school invade my bubble every día soo i just stay distant like this they will live me alone* cuz alone i can think, i can be myself even my parents can't invade my bubble when i'm alone. :) At school i'm Ms. Know-It-All cuz for me when people say to me that i'm the girl who have answer to everything i feel good cuz my sel esteem just become a little bit higher but it doesn't really last long. I identify más my self to Alan Rickman and Draco Malfoy
posted hace más de un año 
and that belonging to what tu told me on IM; parents are complete jerks. we can learn this from even draco. as for friends.... well.... they wouldnt understand because they havent been in your life at any point of time. your real friends are with the heart- me!!! :D lol *hug*
SnapeSoulmate posted hace más de un año
*hugs back* Thx
popo6 posted hace más de un año
:) but still she has her good ways and i really don't wanna be alone in the school soo i keep everything in me when she start to praise herself, thx good there is fanpop with awsome fan xD i can tell free myself from that burden xD
popo6 posted hace más de un año
SnapeSoulmate said:
Yeah... On everything. People at school, problems at home, losing the only person tu ever loved... well everything. I was severus once without even knowing it; when I was 11, summer had just started, and my father and mother were screaming so loud it'd make your ears bleed... they were hitting each other and flinging things around; I was stuck locked in my room sitting in the corner, hugging my knee's and burying my face and wishing I would die. things stayed bad from even then, just when you'd think things wouldnt ever get worse. Then I met this wonderful, wonderful boy at school and I became so close to him, so close like I'd never before... I kept hanging with these people that he didnt approve of and I never took his word for it. and one día año later it all ended; I dicho really bad things and did something so stupid and he was gone and I never got a segundo chance... and I was left unforgiven still to this día drowning in guilt; I still have his letters, picture, and withered rosas to this día when it was so long ago... I just could never forgive myself and when I read all of severus and lily I was just like "oh my god thats me...!" ever since then I never felt any warm amor toward any being besides severus; severus saved my life. he reminds me I can still feel love. he saved me from doing away with myself. I think... nobody would ever be interested in me BESIDES severus... every night when I wish I'm in someone's arms, I think of me in his...
and then theres the part of having not many friends IRL; I have many más sworn enemies than friends and I really hate each and every one of them. I use libros and reference to learning as an escape from the world. I do look up at the sky every night and think of all the things I can feel his pain on; its unbearable... Guilt is the worst pain in the world

teachers and others say I have an empathic relationship with severus; like our souls are connected somehow... I dont doubt it hes a part of my soul
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posted hace más de un año 
*sniff ansd cry* SnapeSoulmate *give tu a huge hug* its sad what tu just wrote :(
popo6 posted hace más de un año
its not... sad. its just a taste of the painful truth of life. I think its even what helps keep me connected with severus empathically *hugs back smiling* <3
SnapeSoulmate posted hace más de un año
popo6 posted hace más de un año
ensomhet said:
Yes, in the part of my childhood but i feel too much like SnapeSoulMate in many thing she says...he was my mentor since the very first book in '97...
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posted hace más de un año 
wildcannabis said:
Not quite specifically, but he is definitely a sympathetic and relate-able character. por the end of the series, tu see that he is much más complex than tu originally thought, and that he shatters any idea of good vs. He's so very human and tragic, and is just a fantastic character all around.

I think most people can relate to unrequited amor and the difficulty of a large decision.
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posted hace más de un año 
ira_semper said:
Snape appeals on differing depths depending upon the person. I find myself not so much a "fan", as that would be too much like being a fan of myself.  I relate to him more than any character I have read o seen.  While my fury manifests cloaked in humor, the underlying rage against the unfairness, injustice, and the inane, useless swill comprising most of society comes from the same never ending ill-treatment. The perpetually misused read between the lines, able to expand on a character we so recognize; often feeling we know him better than the author.  

Some people just never have much of a chance; abusive family, bullied through school, betrayed and taught his worthlessness at every turn. Severus walked into Hogwart's an alien, an outcast, devoid of the social skills to achieve any outcome but más of the same.  This makes his loyalty to the light and perseverance through horrors faced alone all the más extraordinary, courageous, and heroic.

"Those bearing the earliest of abuses, the withholding of caring, and the denial of identity are gifted with instincts in their innocent fight for survival of self.  When the siguiente years bring but further proof that fairness is for their betters, few escape mankind's most everyday evil of apathy.  Isolated por rage, seemingly heir to the malice and petty vitriol that raised them, the rarest few secret their ethics behind masks.  Only from that earliest and most persistent suffering emerges the least likely and most effective warriors against injustice;  with the strengths, tools, and willingness to embrace a life of unmarked sacrifice, their truth known not even when peace finds them with bloodied hands, unmourned hearts of untouched capacity, and innocent souls."
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posted hace más de un año 
jessie13010 said:
Yes I could feel be I could be related to snape
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