misceláneo Club
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posted by miniabby33
1 try on all your clothes in your closet
2 sing a song like a pato
3 Watch all of your old disney movies
4 play robin hood
5 play princess
6 lick all of the ice cubes
7 pull a prank like freeze they're undies
8 watch tv but change the channal with your toes
9 take a song but change the lyrics
10 try to do lots of accents

comentario tell your friends then I will make más spread the word boredom has a cure!!! I amor making these for tu so comment. All the comentarios I get I feel like a moviestar so tell everyone. I'm escritura all this cuz I need a longer articulo so yea tacos are good i like taco bravos from taco johns
added by tanyya
added by nmdis
added by nmdis
added by 3xZ
added by nmdis
added by 3xZ
Source: 3xZ
added by nmdis
added by nmdis
added by 3xZ
added by 3xZ
added by 3xZ
added by nmdis
added by 3xZ
added by 3xZ
added by tanyya
added by ForMotherRussia