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Are tu Wild o Mild?



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You Are Mild
You get as many thrills as wild people do, however your thrills tend to be more of the laid back variety.
You believe that the deeper you get into something, the more you enjoy it. And you need calm to do that.

You are one of the least superficial people around. You have intense and passionate interests.
You don't get bored easily. How could you? There is so much to learn about and think about!
posted hace más de un año.
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^ I'm mild as well.
posted hace más de un año.
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you are wild
You have a true sense of adventure, and you're always about to take the world by storm.
You aren't wild to the point of being reckless, but you do enjoy taking risks.

You get bored and restless easily. You crave continual excitement and novelty.
You would be miserable if you were stuck by yourself for a day. You thrive off the energy of other people.
posted hace más de un año.
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big smile
"You get as many thrills as wild people do, however your thrills tend to be more of the laid back variety.
You believe that the deeper you get into something, the more you enjoy it. And you need calm to do that.

You are one of the least superficial people around. You have intense and passionate interests.
You don't get bored easily. How could you? There is so much to learn about and think about!"

They could write this on my describes me exactly!
posted hace más de un año.
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You have a true sense of adventure, and you're always about to take the world by storm.
You aren't wild to the point of being reckless, but you do enjoy taking risks.

You get bored and restless easily. You crave continual excitement and novelty.
You would be miserable if you were stuck by yourself for a day. You thrive off the energy of other people.
posted hace más de un año.
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You Are Mild

You get as many thrills as wild people do, however your thrills tend to be more of the laid back variety.
You believe that the deeper you get into something, the more you enjoy it. And you need calm to do that.

You are one of the least superficial people around. You have intense and passionate interests.
You don't get bored easily. How could you? There is so much to learn about and think about!

posted hace más de un año.