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posted by Albiee
8.01 || Asleep At Heaven's Gate

Brooke: Before tu say another word, tu should both know that I just have just come from the city jail, where I was frisked por a large supposedly female cop who was very thorough in her cavity search. Now speak.

Nathan: Is everything okay?
Doctor: Yeah. I just wanna run some tests.

Mia (to Haley): Speaking of slutty, congratulations on being pregnant.

Clay: I just realized that I haven't seen a single person on this playa all day...have you?
Quinn: No.
Clay: Do tu know what that means? Skinny dipping.

Julian (to Brooke): Get ready for my greased lightning!

Haley: tu dicho the baloncesto hoop was like my uterus?
Nathan: He caught me totally off guard. He was like a ninja...Like a three foot tall, where do bebés come from, ninja.

Julian (to Brooke): This happens all the time. I sleep with a girl and then the siguiente morning she's already planning the wedding.

Haley: These aren't sad tears, they're happy tears.
Nathan: Alright, well how about from now on we do smiles for happy instead?

Alex: I know it must have been a surprise, me and Chase.
Mia: No not really. It's what tu do right? Break up couples.
Alex: Yeah. It kinda is, but not this time. tu screwed this up all por yourself didn't you?
Mia: tu can go now.
Alex: por the way, I plan to make him happier than tu ever did. So tu should probably just give up and mover on now. Okay? Great. Now I can go.

Brooke: I was just arrested and explored por a woman with a mustache and man hands! When tu look up "bad" in the dictionary, this is it!

8.02 || I Can't See You, But I Know You're There

Jamie (to Julian): I'm glad they sent tu to pick me up. tu don't just treat me like a kid.

Brooke: If tu really like the new baby, can I have Jamie?
Nate: Yeah, tu can have him, but tu gotta have the sex talk with him first.

Haley (to Quinn): They say tu don't know what you've got til it's gone. I guess I didn't know how much I missed tu until tu were in my life every day.

Chase: hola Jamie, how tu doin' buddy?
Jamie: Do I know you?
Chase: Dude, who are you? Victoria Davis?

Chase: Come on! How come yours is so good?
Alex: 'Cause I'm kinda awesome like that. Plus, I changed the ingredients.

Haley: When the silence gets too loud, and I really start to miss everyone, I tell myself the same thing: I can't see you, but I know you're there.

8.03 || The el espacio In Between

Clay: Is this heaven?
Quinn: No, just my version of it.

Will: This doesn't make sense does it? A couple of ghosts sitting on a roof... but here we are.

Nathan: I'm not strong enough Haley.
Haley: Yes tu are. And when you're not, tu have me.

Will: I know this sucks, but it's gotta be nice to know that somebody loves tu like that.

Julian: He likes being with his Aunt Brooke.
Brooke: No he likes being with you. And I like seeing tu two together.

Quinn (to Clay): tu know my whole family was here. It's usually best to be in a coma for that so...nice work.

Nathan: You're a good man Jamie Scott.
Jamie: So are tu dad.

Jamie: Aunt Brooke do tu know where bebés come from?
Brooke: Not from me.

Will: This sucks, huh? Now I know why they call it the waiting room.

8.04 || We All Fall Down

Julian: Years from now when we look back on this moment, we're not gonna remember the trouble with your company o the bad press, o even your mom being in jail, we're just gonna remember how great our wedding was.

Alex: Lets make it a dare.
Chase: Okay. Loser plays the siguiente hole in their underwear.
Alex: Yeah, like I'm wearing any underwear.

Victoria: Many captains of industry have done their best work while incarcerated. There's no shame in it.

Nate: I've been avoiding it now for a while, but my back is done. So, I'm gonna finish this beer, then I'm gonna go inicial and tell my wife that I'm done playing.
Julian: Wow. That's huge. When did tu decide that?
Nate: Just this second. Haley's pregnant. Clay and Quinn are recovering, and I didn't even know my own son liked baseball.

Julian: I picked out the flores por the way.
Haley: tu did? I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Gee, tu did a beautiful job.
Julian: I mean I was hoping for calla lilies but I had to settle for regular lilies. I think the snap dragones really compliment them. In my mind they really make the arrangement.

8.05 || Nobody Taught Us To Quit

Julian: tu make sad look beautiful, Brooke Davis.

Haley: Last time baloncesto left your dad, and this time he's leaving basketball.

Chase: Here's the thing. I know unemployment sometimes leads to crack smoking, and I understand that, but I kinda thought you'd be más excited about this.

Clay: Did tu see me own that manzana, apple sauce earlier? Stuh-rong.

Julian: Besides hat guante belongs on the hand of someone who loves the game. Me, I used to stand out in right field and chase butterflies. Trust me, the guante respects what I'm doing here.
Nathan: I'm sure it does. Probably doesn't respect that tu brought it here in a bolso, monedero though.
Julian: That's a man bag.

Victoria: I leave tu alone for a few days, and tu go back to being that stupid girl who follows her heart. I never cared for that version of you.

Nathan: Better be careful Mouth. Last time tu helped me, tu got fired and now you're sitting out here at the River Court looking kinda creepy and stalker-ish.

Brooke: I get to go visit my mother in prison and tell her I sold my company...good times.

8.06 || Not Afraid

Nathan: Now that baloncesto is over, I just keep asking myself this same question, over and over...will I ever be great at anything again?
Haley: You'll find it.

Mouth: Wow, what are you?
Millie: I'm a free bitch, baby.

misceláneo dude: I bet you'd give anything to be playing tonight.
Nathan: Actually, not really. Happy Halloween.

Julian: How tu feeling today, beautiful?
Brooke: I'm not very beautiful.
Julian: Oh, well I'm gonna go grab a mirror, your reflection should take care of that.

Brooke: I will not let these vampire bridesmaids ruin our wedding.
Quinn: They're zombies. Are tu kidding me? Do tu not see how slow they're moving?

8.07 || Luck Be A Lady

Mrs. Baker: What kind of wedding doesn't have a champagne fountain.
Brooke: Mine.
Haley: Mine either...I wish it did, though.

Brooke: What a misceláneo and total coincidence, my best friend Haley is here, unexpectedly.

Junk: A poker night.
Chase: Good going Julian!

Mrs. Baker: Do tu know what that dress is missing?
Brooke: Style?

Mrs. Baker: tu can't control mother nature.
Brooke: o Mother Baker.

Nathan: (To Haley) tu should have seen the way he looked at me. I haven't felt that stupid since high school, and at least then I could beat somebody up to feel better.
Haley: Well don't beat yourself up. It was just your first try, did tu make the first basket tu ever shot?
Nathan: Yeah.
Haley: Oh...
Nathan: To be fair, I was two and the basket came up to my waist. But, stats are stats.

Nathan: If I wanted to look stupid I would have stayed at inicial and played Trival Pursuit against Haley. I didn't have to fly to Atlanta to do it.

Erin: Did tu really like my music? o did tu just not want a suicide on your hands?
Haley: I really liked it.

Alex: I'm not that good a person. I've been dealing tu cards from the bottom of the deck all night.

8.08 || Mouthful Of Diamonds

Erin: Are tu sure you're qualified to work at a crisis center?
Haley: I don't know about qualified, but I've definitely been there.

Erin: To trust someone with my music, is to trust them with everything I have in the world.

Julian: tu make me incredibly happy, Brooke Davis, but we all struggle sometimes.

Haley: My life is good. My son, on the other hand, is wearing headgear.

Brooke: Just because your son is in amor with me, it's no reason to take it out on my liquor cabinet.

Jerry: Dude, were tu really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: tu know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.

Haley [to Jamie]: As long as tu pout about your braces, Momma's rocking the eye patch all the time...everywhere!

Jamie: Some people look a little different. Some people are a little different. I think that's cool.

Mouth: Parents coming inicial tired from work and still have time for their kids. That's who I respect.

Erin: How is Haley as a person?
Mia: Amazing. She is one of the good ones.

Clay: Yes! Suck it, soup!

Julian: Happiness is not a destination. It is a mood, it is not permanent. It comes and goes and if people thought that way then maybe people would find happiness más often.

Mouth: Sorry for the guy who has to clean up this place, which is me.

Sylvia: Good luck with your Hoot 'n Nanny Wedding.
Brooke: Good luck with being old. por the way, I like my towels.

8.09 || Between Raising Hell and Amazing Grace

Jamie: Don't worry Uncle Skills...that one is not farm fresh.

Skills: Oh, damn. I thought tu was the turkey.
Millie: Gobble, gobble.

Brooke: I'm thankful you're such a good friend.
Haley: I'm thankful I got to watch tu chug wine out of a bottle.

Chase: They're both great girls...amazing girls. But the truth is, I think they chose for me. I want to be with a girl who really wants to be with me. Not someone who lies to me, o broke up with me por text. I think I should just be por myself for a while.

Jamie: I am thankful for my baby brother.
Haley: o sister.
Jamie: Whatever.

Victoria: But that table's for misfits.
Brooke: How perfect for you.

Victoria: Here we got with the typical Brooke dramatics.
Brooke: tu want dramatic? There's a carving cuchillo here I'm not afraid to use.

8.10 || Lists, Plans

Dan: I ended two lives when I pulled that trigger, and one of them was mine.

Brooke: Did tu seriously just quote Hitch?
Julian: Yeah because it's a really good quote.

Julian: I promise tu it will be the segundo most exhilarating 45 segundos of your life.
Brooke: What's the first? Oh, a sex joke, which might be cute if tu weren't 15,000 feet in the air with half the plane missing.

Brooke: Is this thing even legal to take on roads?
Julian: Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

Dan: She's pretty. I can see why Evans was sleeping with her.
Quinn: He wasn't.
Dan: That's too bad.

Dan: What can I help tu with?
Quinn: Murder.

Haley: I loved spelling bees when I was your age.
Jamie: Yeah, Dad dicho tu were a nerd.

Brooke: James Lucas Scott, are tu drinking a beer?
Jamie: What kind of backyard hootenanny and pig roast would this be without it?

8.11 || Darkness On The Edge Of Town

Quinn [to Katie]: I'm your storm.

Katie: I can't...
Quinn: Breathe? I know. It's okay, you'll pass out soon, but unlike me tu won't lay there for 12 hours. Only a psycho would let tu do that.

Katie [to Quinn]: Go on! Run in to the storm! But I'm your storm, and I'll find you.

Nathan: This is so A navidad Story. Back in the car, Ralphie.
Haley: Sorry.

Jamie: So? Chuck and Madison are going.
Haley: Chuck's mom's an alcoholic.

8.12 || The Drinks We Drank Last Night

Haley: To Brooke and her last night of freedom. It's her turn now.

Haley: Just read the book and forget about professor what's-his-face.
Nathan: Cellerman
Haley: Who?
Nathan: Cellerman
Haley: Who?
Nathan: Okay I'll read the book.

Brooke: This año has been the hardest of my life, and tu know who's always been here for me? No matter what? My maid of honor.
Haley: Me?

Brooke: tu did all this for me?
Sylvia: I did this for the girl my son loves.

Sylvia: Haven't tu ever forgiven someone for a kiss?
Brooke: Well, I forgave Lucas for besar Peyton, but I never forgot.
Sylvia: Has everyone dated this Lucas character?

Dave Navarro: hola where's that other chick that I nailed? I want to apologize to her for the black eye.

Brooke: What are tu doing here, Dave Navarro?

Julian: Good morning, gorgeous. If tu don't get inicial soon, I might have to misbehave all por myself.
Sylvia: Good morning, honey.
Julian: Mom?

Sylvia: Wow, it's like I did shots of fire.

Haley: I thought we weren't in high school anymore.
Brooke: Well, let's face it, she's always gonna be the girl that got naked in front of my boyfriend.

Julian: You're only getting married once. I want it to be perfect.
Brooke: It is.

Brooke: Marriage is about loving someone for who they are and accepting them for their mistakes. I have to tell him.

Sylvia: All people don in small towns is have sex and watch TV.
Brooke: tu say that like it's a bad thing.

Quinn: Oh my god. We have to go now.
Alex: Why?
Millie: Why?
Quinn: Because we estola Nathan's professor's dog!

Millie: I can't believe we estola a dog.
Alex: We don't know that!
Quinn: He skateboards! Guys we are in possession of a stolen skateboarding dog!

Sylvia: Great news! They found it!
Brooke: My ring?
Sylvia: No, my phone! It's at the fuego house lets go!
Haley: Of course.

Haley: Oh my god what the hell were tu doing with Dave Navarro?!
Sylvia: What the hell am I wearing?!
Brooke: What the hell did we do last night?!

Millie: Why would I get boots?
Haley: Because that tattoo kicks ass!

Quinn: I found it!
Brooke: My ring?!
Quinn: Millie's azada tag.
Alex: azada tag? It's called a tramp stamp.
Quinn: Then where's yours?
Haley: I have one!

Haley: What was in those drinks?!
Alex: I don't know. Energy?

Brooke: Everyone shut up about their stupid mouths! I lost my engament ring.

8.13 || The Other Half Of Me

Haley: I have heard a lot of best man speeches in my life, and yours was por far the sweetest, most honest, and the most memorable.

Julian: Brooke before I met tu I thought my world had everything I needed to be happy.I had nothing else to compare to. Then tu walked into my life and everything changed. I realized how empty my world was without tu in it, and my old life was no longer capable of making me happy, not without you. I amor everything about tu Brooke, I amor the way tu challenge me like no one ever has, I amor the way tu look at me like no one ever has, and I amor the way tu amor me like no one ever has. I cant imagine spending my life without you, and if tu say yes to me in a few minutos I wont have to......You look beautiful por the way!

Jamie: I'm gonna have a little sister?
Haley: Is that okay?
Jamie: Yeah. I hope she's just like you, Mom

Haley: I have heard a lot of best man speeches in my life and yours was por far the sweetest, most honest, and the most memorable. I have never been so proud of you.

Priest: If anyone can mostrar just cause why this couple should not be joined together, speak now...
Skills: Don't nobody say nothing!

Jamie: Brooke looks like an angel.
Julian: That's why I'm not nervous.

Julian: I found my other half.

Brooke: We're going to the church. We're going to the church where I'm getting married. Haley, I'm getting married.

Skills: tu know a few years back there was a wedding here in árbol Hill...bride wasn't who she dicho she was. A lot of good people got hurt that day.

Alex: Honestly I'm really terrible at keeping secrets. This one time my friend Kimmy told me she hooked up with two people at the same party, and I promised I wouldn't say a word, but then I told like four people within an hora and one of them was actually Kimmy.

Chase: I thought we were chosen because Julian has no guy friends.

Haley: Why are tu dancing like that Brooke?
Brooke: Because this dance is what made an amazing man fall in amor with me!

Haley: But sweety, tu know this isn't a competition right?
Jamie: Okay good. Just remember that when they like my speech more.

Julian: Guess this is my lucky day.

Julian: It wasn't really about the girl. It was the idea of someone out there for me. So I kept this other half bumper car token ever since as a reminder that somewhere out there, if I'm lucky, is my other half.

Julian: Why would your rabbit have an emotional response to our wedding?
Jamie: Well, he's always had a thing for Brooke.

8.14 || Holding Out For A Hero

Chuck (to Chase): Nice they make 'em for guys?

Chase: I could be a big brother. I've always liked playing with kids.
Mia: Yeah, don't say that out loud.

Alex (to Mia): I came to ask Haley, not you. Why talk to the greasy rag when tu can talk to the mechanic?

Kellerman: Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son.

Brooke: Was I sleep fighting again?
Julian: Yes! No más Kick culo for my wife before bed.

Chuck's mom (to Chase): Hey, I know you. You're my bartender.
Chuck: Bar manager, and he's also a pilot.

Quinn: And tu all take down that website o I'll post your photos, and they're all from bad angles.

Haley: Maybe I'll call the Dean.
Nikki: Like the Dean of Princeton would listen to some whack job in a cape.

Brooke: They're not crypts, they're kids. más specifically, they're stuck up little bitches that need to be dealt with.

Chase: We got plans today remember?
Chuck: My dad says guys can always flake on each other.

Quinn: Kinda makes tu Super Haley.
Haley: That's so dumb. Why would I include my real name in my super hero name?

Brooke: tu haven't even heard my idea.
Haley: Fine, what is it?
Brooke: We should be super heroes.

8.15 || Valentine's día Is Over

Brooke: Do tu think I'll be a good mom?
Julian: You'll be an amazing mom.

Haley: tu amor me?
Nathan: Of course I do you, dork. With all my heart.

Chuck: Yup, another Valentine's día alone.
Chase: It sucks.
Chuck: Well más for you. I'm only eight.

Chuck: Betcha my dad has a fecha tonight. Probably has four o five.

Jamie: If tu were a girl would that be okay?
Quinn: Yeah it'd be awesome, and technically I am a girl.
Jamie: If that's your story.

Jamie: I'm sticking with the shoelaces. The hearts say I like you, but the shoelace part isn't too mushy.

Chuck: My dad says real men drink whiskey.
Chase: How bout a root beer?
Chuck: Lame.

Julian: Just remember, you're my girl Brooke Davis, and tu always will be.

8.16 || I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here

Julian: Eating ice cream is the best part about Little League...except for maybe catching butterflies.

Julian: Alright! Let's get this audition started.

Julian: That guante belonged to Roberto butterfly!

Haley: What about the off chance that he doesn't do so well, tu gonna go all Dan Scott on him?

Julian: Brooke Penelope Davis Baker, tu break that box spring and you're sleeping on the floor.

Haley: That was because Jamie dicho he had a great día and his dad was a big part of that.

Nathan: Well how was his moms day?
Haley: It was good, it was great actually, and I think Lydia really enjoyed it too.

Nathan: tu can't have an open bottle on the mound in the pros. tu gotta pour it in a cup.

Haley: Here's to my best friend, Brooke Davis. There is no one else to whom I would trust my child more.

Haley: Well tu must be starving. Feel free to have some comida and uh just ya know don't eat my ho ho cake.

Ian: I party on a boat. It's my dad's pride and joy, so I like to trash it now and then. tu guys in?
Nathan: Maybe we should just go to a bar.

8.17 || The Smoker tu Drink, The Player tu Get

Chuck: Where we goin'?
Chase: Dude, it's late on a school night, does it matter?
Chuck: Good point.

misceláneo Guy: Are tu the angry chicken reporter?
Millie: That's me.
misceláneo Guy: That was awesome por the way. Can I have your autograph?

Haley: Ooh, tu wanna watch Psych?
Quinn: Never heard of it. Is it any good?
Haley: Nahh.

Chase: tu can mostrar your va-jay-jay in a sex tape, but God forgive they know tu wear glasses.

Nathan: Ian's a hell of a prospect and he's gonna need an agent.
Kellerman: I didn't say I didn't want him represented Mr. Scott. I simply don't want him represented por you.

Millie: I AM hot. My chicken feet are sweating like tu wouldn't believe.

Haley: tu tried to stuff me into a stingray. tu were so not ready.

Quinn: tu cried wolf, lobo crier.

8.18 || Quiet Little Voices

Brooke: I promise tu I'm going to know this child, and they'll know matter what.

Victoria: Because if this boy Julian loves you, and tu amor him, that's all that matters. That is the most important thing, and the clothes can wait.

Julian: I want tu to know that whenever we do get pregnant, that's gonna be a great day.

Haley: Who do tu wanna be Nathan?
Nathan: I wanna be somebody who's good enough to be seen with you.

Nathan: If I don't go to Duke, if I don't play college basketball, if today is the best it ever gets for me, will that be enough?
Haley: Of course. Nathan as long as tu are a good husband and a goof father to your's a boy Nathan, we're gonna have a son.

Jamie: And when tu and Dad were in high school tu had me?
Haley: That's right. You're not allowed to do that.

Nathan: tu my man are not a baby anymore.
Jamie: Nope, but they are.

Hayley: Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of us.

Quinn: tu know my dad's name is James James right?

Brooke: We need a name. Our baby's gonna be born without a name.
Julian: Oops.

Clay: Ya know we'll have kids of our own some day.
Quinn: Well they'll have your big bushy eye brows.

8.19 || Where Not To Look For Freedom

Brooke: I think we'd be happy in New York.

Julian: I think tu should take that job in New York.

Alex: Now what?
Chase: Chuck says you're hot.

Alex: So tu liked it?
Chase: I did. Talkin' about that kiss right?

Julian: I nearly lost my wife. Nathan nearly lost his son. Do tu know what that feels like?
Kellerman: Yes I do. I've lost both.

Skills: Lotta livin' down here bro. End of an era.

Ian: Congrats on the baby. Very strong. Tell her to come see me in about 17 years.

Kellerman: It's a good system, tenure, except when teachers fail to use their freedom for the common good.

Kellerman: As of today, I'm no longer Professor Kellerman. I've resigned my position.

Haley: Okay. Let's take the baby from insane Aunt Quinn.

Nathan: I know what tu did and tu know what tu did. And this is going to be made right por tu o por me.

Kellerman: Well it seems my class gets younger every day. tu must have done extremely well on your advanced placement exams.

8.20 || The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul

Haley: I'm gonna miss tu Brooke Davis like tu can't understand.

Brooke: I have come to offer tu a trade. Last reminisce of Karen's cafe for Lydia...straight up.

Alex: So much for baby steps.
Chase: tu played guitar. It wasn't fair.

Nate: Ginger ale?
Julian: I like ginger ale, it settles my stomach.

Brooke: We're pregnant!

Chuck: We only need one madison. Don't mess it up.

Ian: I couldn't stay. I just couldn't.
Julian: Well now maybe tu can stay and think about it. Enjoy the walk.

Julian: tu know what's good about boats? They float. Cars not so much.

Chuck (to Alex): And I saw pictures of tu on the internet...naughty, naughty.

Chuck: Wow Jamie, tu bat like my mom.

8.21 || Flightless Bird, American Mouth

Brooke: How tu feeling sunshine?
Lauren: Shame. So much shame.

Chase: tu could have killed yourself! o someone else!
Chuck: I just...I don't want tu to go.

Clay: I don't understand camping. We have houses, bed, showers, flat irons.

Clay: The tent did not get it done last night.

Nathan: tu fertile bastard.

Mouth: In case tu have noticed, I'm weird Millie. I'm an odd duck.

Clay: You're just now noticing this? I'm a weird dude. An odd duck.

Nathan: Who are you, Brian Boitano?
Clay: Brian Boitano won the oro in men's figure skating.
Nathan: That's my point exactly.

8.22 || This Is My House, This Is My Home

Julian: Your mom is Brooke Davis, and she has enough strength for all of us.

Julian: I'm sure in three months I'll be wondering who I was before we had a family.

Chase (to Mia): tu inspire me. Your goodness inspires me.

Chase: Can tu write thanks for the 45 segundos of heaven?
Mia: 30!

Julian: This is our miracle Brooke Davis, and now it's two miracles. And no girl deserves it more.

Doctor: Congratulations, you're carrying twins.
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