Leonardo da Vinci Club
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 Arcangelo Gabriele 1471
Arcangelo Gabriele 1471
L' Arcangelo Gabriele del 1471 eseguito su piastrella di cm 20X20X1,3 di spessore eseguita, firmata, Da vinci lionardo, siglata LDV ib, datata 1471 è di proprietà di un collezionista privato italiano che è proprietari anche della sua immagine replicabile su qualsivoglia tipo di supporto ossia fotografico, video e digitale che possano da esso riicavate, dicasi la stessa cosa per eventuali opere pittorichr, ceramiche e quant' altro si possa reolicare dell' opera stessa . E' Proprietario esclusivo di tale dipinto di Leonardo un collezionista Privato italiano,
l' Opera d'Arte è stata eseguita in Italia nel 1471 da Leonardo da Vinci, L' Opera di cui sopra è in Italia, la sua prima pubblicazione di tale immagine visibile a sinistra e alla fine del presente articolo risale al 8 febbraio 2017 la Testata pubblicante è Art New con sede in Roma,purtroppo nell' ultima settimana è stata oggetto di cancellazione ad opera si ignoti, fortunatamente la pagina relativa della predetta rivista è stata salvata ed archiviata dal legittimo proprietario il cui pseudonimo è "Ljonard" la C del Copyright è seguita dalla dicitura Private Collectio.

Roma 21 Giugno 2018 ore 00:01

posted by Verrocchio
 Original Caravaggio
Original Caravaggio
The Fake News have now invaded the network and are affecting in particular the Visual Arts and the works of the great masters from Leonardo da Vinci to Caravaggio, from Picasso to Modigliani no one excluded, the user of the network does not often ignore that the network with its billions of algorithms is able to plumb any image to be verified, identify and extract the fonte from which it was born o its actual author, the antifakesistem is a Super Art Critic with the visual memory of millions of critics united together in degree to couple a painting to the name of its true autore even if the...
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added by tamar20
added by tamar20
Da Vinci's invention the Viola Organista finally heard after 500 years!! Credit for the video goes to Sławomir Zubrzycki who also built and played the instrument, enjoy!
leaonardo da vinci

The Owners of the painting the 'Archangel Gabriel, signed and dated por Leonardo da Vinci in 1471, presented to the world in the Press Conference held last June 21 at the Italian headquarters of the Foreign Press in Rome, noted the serious and damaging statements made to the British Press and rebounded on the North American por Prof. Martin Kemp of Oxford, in respect of which the property reserves the right to take all legal action for the enormous damage free of charge to the owners of the Opera and to the reputation of all scientists that made the authentication of the painting...
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posted by Verrocchio
It is written da the American Piter R. Scott the new novel of artistic investigation and not only focused on the great Leonardo da Vinci and his few pictorial works, in fact there are few true painters surveyed da the history of art that in the arc of their life have produced a couple of dozens of paintings o a little more. The volume focuses on Leonardo's early works and fills those gaps in the biography of the vinciano, starting precisely from his arrival in Florence and from the apprenticeship at the negozio of Andrea del Verrocchio, continuing in his wanderings in the Lombard period and...
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06 dicembre 2017 ore 18:19 segnalaelimina postmodifica post
This blog on Leonardo da Vinci thanks to Google+ is read throughout the world and has managed to break an information "monopoly" held por a small acolyte of "Super Experts" who claim to certify o deny the Leonardesque authorship of any pictorial work to him reported.
The categorical imperative that prevails is the following: "If we have not discovered it, it is impossible that it is of Leonardo da Vinci", and if an English counterfeiter claimed that La Bella Principessa is a fake made por him and the model is a cashier...
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