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Chapter 12 : a meeting at the airport, first step.

Rachel is so excited to take a plane and to see House, that it’s hard to keep her quiet during the flight.
-Rachel, you’d better sleep a little o you’re gonna be too tired to play with House, Cuddy tells her and caresses Rachel’s head.
-Ok, mommy, but you’ll let me play and watch the Pirate cartoon with House tonight! Rachel says and puts her head on Cuddy’s shoulder. Cuddy puts her arm on the back of the little girl and begins to sing softly. After a while, Rachel falls asleep and Cuddy tries to rest.
Ladies and gentlemen, please attach your seatbelts, we begin the landing.
-House! House! Where is House! I want to see House, mommy, Rachel says and jumps in the hall where they’re waiting for the luggage.
-Yes, Rachel, wait a little. But don’t be too disappointed if he’s not there, I don’t know if he’ll pick us up at the airport, we may have to take a cab, Cuddy says.
-Why? Dad has to be here for us!
-Rachel! He has maybe a lot of work and we’ll see him later, ok? Cuddy says firmly and rolls her eyes.
-No, I want to see him now! Rachel respuestas and pouts. I hope he’s waiting for us, Cuddy thinks, o I’m gonna have a bad-humored Rachel for the rest of the day.
Once they got back their luggage, they head for the exit.
-Mommy! He is there! House! Rachel suddenly shouts. Cuddy doesn’t have time to react that the little girl already runs towards him. Cuddy follows her with the eyes. She sees House and Wilson. Good old Wilson, he knew very well where House was. House looks at her straight in the eyes. Then Rachel tightens him and he caresses her head with a smile, he’s happy to see the little girl, he missed her.
-Hey! How is my little pirate doing? he asks.
-House! I missed you, where were you? Why didn’t tu play with me? Rachel says and keeps her little arms around House’s leg.
-I’m here now, don’t worry, we’re gonna play and watch the pirate’s cartoon! House replies. Rachel, do tu remember Uncle Wilson? He wants to buy tu a big ice-cream, go with him.
-And tu and mommy? Don’t tu want an ice-cream?
-Later, mommy and I have to talk about certain things, but we’ll meet tu and Wilson. Go now!
-Ok, but tonight we play!
-I promise, House says.
-Come, Rachel, I want to mostrar tu something, Wilson says and goes away with Rachel. Here is Kate, my friend, she’s coming with us, she knows a place with big ice-creams and a lot of games.
-Bravo! Rachel shouts, she’s happy, she saw House and now she’s gonna have a big helado with Uncle Wilson.
Cuddy sees all the scene but doesn’t move, she seems petrified. She can’t help but look at House. He’s wearing his blue camisa, camiseta and a black jeans, he’s tanned and even más beautiful and sexy than in her memory. Her corazón is racing, her legs are weak, she misses him so much! She wants to jump in his arms, to put her hands around his neck, to go through his hair with her hand, to kiss his lips, to get close to him. But she can’t move. She watches him coming towards her. She’s wearing a black falda and a low cut parte superior, arriba which emphasizes her breasts. She’s gorgeous, a real stunner, House thinks. His corazón goes faster in his chest, he’d like to take her in his arms, to caress her hair, to smell her scent, to kiss her neck, to let his fingers go slowly on her cheek, then on her neck, on her back… Fortunately I’m here to pick her up and not MacEnzie! She’ll drive him crazy for sure. I don’t know if she’s aware of the effect she has on men, I’m sure a lot of them fancy her. He stands now right in front of her, but neither speaks. They look at each other, Cuddy is lost in the deep blue of House’s eyes, House tries to rate Cuddy’s feelings towards him, she seems quiet although a little tense. Both would like to embrace the other, but they’re afraid of their reaction. Eventually House says with a smile, still staring at her:
-Hi, little sunshine.
-Hi, House, Cuddy respuestas in a soft but tender voice.
-You don’t seem surprised to see me here.
-I would have been if tu were not.
-Cuddy, I … , House begins but can’t go on, he’s too afraid to say something wrong, to hurt her o to make her angry.
-Where is Rachel?
-Hm, she’s with Wilson and Kate… Wilson’s new girlfriend, House adds when he sees the questioning look of Cuddy.
-Oh, Wilson has a new girlfriend…
-Yes, and they go to eat an ice-scream with the “lesser Cuddy”, if tu don’t mind.
-And we?
-Oh, I didn’t think you’d like an ice-scream, respuestas House with a smile in a slightly mocking tone. I promise I’ll buy tu one later if you’re a good girl.
-I forgot how funny tu could be, she says and smiles.
-You know what?
-I didn’t think I missed your smile so much.
-Wow! What disaster is going to occur?
House looks at her but isn’t sure to understand what she means. Cuddy laughs at House’s face. It’s good to hear her laughing, he thinks, that’s a good point, that means she isn’t too mad at me.
-Don’t worry, House, it’s a joke! tu never make me compliments for free, I’m just surprised.
-Oh, I got it. I’m sincere, Cuddy, I missed your smile, your laugh, your sarcasm…, House says and comes closer, but still doesn’t dare to take her hand.
-House, I… we need to talk seriously, calmly, Cuddy says and looks tenderly at him.
-Yes, I know. When?
-Why not now? Rachel is with Wilson, we’ll be quiet to talk. Do tu agree?
-Where do tu want to go?
-Well, I don’t know, she respuestas and looks around her.
-We can go in a bar or…, House says and looks at her straight in the eyes. He’d like to go to his apartment, but it would be too soon, they need a neutral place, he’s ready to be patient because he doesn’t want to go too fast and to screw up one más time.
-Ok, let’s go in your bar, she says. She hoped he would invite her to him, but she knows he’s right, it’s better to go in a public place without any pressure. She has to be patient, to go slowly with him if she wants it to work.

Meanwhile MacEnzie waits for Cuddy and Rachel. Malcolm told him this morning that Doctor House would pick her and her daughter up at the airport, he was a little disappointed, he had planned to mostrar them the city before to go to him, but… well, he thinks, they should arrive soon now, except if their flight was delayed. Maybe I should call the airport… Don’t be stupid! Even if the flight is delayed, they’ll eventually arrive and then tu can mostrar them Apton por night! Their room are ready, he went shopping, everything is ok to welcome them. He just has to wait. His mood up, he decides to watch TV.

House and Cuddy sit in House’s favorito! bar, the barman made him a sign of encouragement with a big smile when he saw him with Cuddy. House used to talk a lot about her when he sat at the counter late at night. They sip their drink silently.
-Cuddy, I … I know I’ve done stupid things, that I went too far this time, and I’d understand that tu can’t forgive me…
-No, please, let me speak. I know that I deeply disappointed you, I lied to tu but never on personal things, just for the work, I’d like tu to know that I work again with Doctor Nolan, my therapist, in order to get better, to learn to deal with my demons, my fears, my pains…
-House, she says and takes his hand. I’m not an angel, I have a part of responsibility in this disaster… you’re not the only one guilty.
-Cuddy, House says and looks at her. His eyes are wet, his throat is tied. I want tu to know that I regret, I regret not being there when tu needed me, I regret all the horrible things I’ve done to you, I hope that you’ll be able to forgive me one day, I hope that tu agree to work with me again, I hope that tu agree to be my friend again like in the old good time…
-House, I told tu you’re not the only one to have made mistakes, to have made things which he regrets… I owe tu too apology for my behavior, I know I was sometimes bitchy, but … I thought I’d be able to deal with your “bad sides”, I hoped that you’d open up to me, that you’d talk to me about your pain but tu didn’t, tu never expressed your feelings, your fears o your needs… Sometimes I had the impression I was your mother and not your girlfriend! I don’t want to be your mother! I want to be your girlfriend, your lover, your confident…I want tu to tell me how tu feel, what your fears, your hopes, your pains are… I want and I need tu to be there por my sides every day, House … I … I can’t live without you… And Rachel needs tu too. She asked every día where tu were, why tu didn’t come… She loves tu House, she calls tu her Dad…, Cuddy says and wipes the tears which roll on her cheeks.
-Cuddy, if tu want me to be por your sides, every day, I’ll be there, for you, for Rachel…I swear… I really try to improve myself in order to be the man tu need, the man tu deserve… and I missed her too…, House says and puts his hand on Cuddy’s cheek. Both perfectly know that Rachel is a way to tell the other how much they missed each other. They remain so without talking, just looking at each other a while, House caressing Cuddy’s cheek and Cuddy still holding House’s other hand. Do tu want to hear a crazy but nice story? House suddenly says.
-Of course, Cuddy respuestas and smiles.
-When I went to the hospital to ask for a job, I told Doctor Malcolm I had a wife and a daughter, House says and looks at Cuddy straight in the eyes.
-Oh! Well, you’re effectively married, but I didn’t know tu had a child, I didn’t know indeed that tu want to have a child, she respuestas with a smile.
-Cuddy! Don’t laugh at me! tu know why I married Dominica; as soon as she got her green card, we fill the file for divorce! I didn’t speak about her and tu know it!
-Oh, really? And about whom did tu speak then?
-Do tu really want to know? He says and takes her hand.
-Yes, I have an idea, but … I need to hear tu say it…
-When I told him I had a wife and a daughter, I thought of tu and Rachel… I wish it was true, he adds in a low voice, still lost in Cuddy’s grey eyes.
-Maybe one day…
-Yeah, maybe…
Forget your troubles, com’on get happy
-Oh, I’m sorry, Cuddy says, it’s my phone. I don’t know this number, I wonder who calls me…
-Let me see, House says and takes Cuddy’s phone. That’s MacEnzie, he says in a slightly jealous tone. You’d better answer him, he’s a real leech.
-Ok, then… Doctor Cuddy on the phone, she says coldly. She’s no más Cuddy, House’s lover, but Doctor Cuddy, Dean of Medicine. House admires her, he admires her skill to change her attitude in a segundo according to the context and to the people. He’s sure now, MacEnzie has no chance with Cuddy, he doesn’t need to worry, Cuddy still loves him, even if she didn’t tell him explicitly.
-Doctor Cuddy! It’s Doctor MacEnzie, the pediatrician in Apton. Where are you? I called the airport and they told me your flight was on time, did Doctor House pick tu up? o has he forgotten? If this is the case, I come immediately…
-No, no, it’s ok, Doctor House was on time. I’m sorry, I should have called tu but I hadn’t your phone number, we are … friends and we’re having a drink, don’t worry.
-Oh, I see…, why is House still with her? She should be here with me! MacEnzie thinks upset and jealous. And do tu still come to me or…?
Cuddy looks at House. He seems quiet. Yes, I think we’re going to you, so see tu soon. She hangs up. He seems to be a little upset, how is he? What can tu tell me about him?
-Well… he’s kinda handsome, he’s single…
-House! What are tu thinking of! I’m not interested! I don’t need a man, I’ve got already one and that’s enough.
-Oh, tu already have a man, House says ironically. May I know his name?
Cuddy rolls her eyes and respuestas sarcastically: Well, it’s not really the truth, I had a man, the most selfish son of perra on the face of this planet, but also the most incredible man I’ve ever known, the perfect lover… we got some… “problems”, at this time we’re still not together, but … it seems on a good way… and I hope that we’re gonna reconciled very, very soon… because I need him, she adds tenderly.
-But tu didn’t tell me his name, House notes.
-House! she says and pretends to be irritated.
-I think I know him… People say about him that he’s brilliant, funny, handsome, sexy…
-Stop! Your head will explode if tu keep on, she laughs.
-Ok, let’s go to MacEnzie, but…
-But? she says a little anxious.
-Promise me to be careful, I don’t trust this guy, he seems to intend to seduce you… If he tries to …, call me and I come and I smash his face.
-House, don’t worry. Everything’s gonna be ok, I’ll stay por him only for two days. And he’ll be working at the hospital… and Rachel will be with me.
-Promise me, Cuddy.
-Ok, I promise tu to be careful, I’ll wear my nun costume, ok? she adds with a little smile.
-But…, she adds a little upset.
-But? What’s the problem Cuddy? tu can talk to me, I made a lot of progress, I know how to listen to people now, he respuestas with a smirk.
Cuddy looks at him, he really seems to have worked on himself. House, I want tu to know that I’m not happy to go to MacEnzie, even if it’s only for two days, I don’t know him and what tu just told me doesn’t speak in his favor. Promise me to keep quiet, not to get angry o jealous.
-Thanks, Cuddy, House says and gives her a little peck on the corner of the mouth.
Cuddy feels warmth in her body as House kisses her gently, she’d like him to kiss her passionately, to take her in his arms and to take her to his place…, but she just asks him: Why?
-To tell me that you’re not happy to go there… Maybe I can…
-No. I understand your point of view, I know why tu don’t accommodate me and Rachel, it’s too soon, we have to work certain things first, then…
-Yeah, that’s right. We have to go slowly to be sure that it works and that this time that lasts. But if tu have the tiniest problem with him, call me.
-So let’s go.
posted by Irene3691
In the morning Cuddy is in her office working. Fifteen minutos after than when he was supposed to be there, House gets in.
‘Wow it's your best mark.’ She looks at the time. ‘And you’re not complaining!
‘I've come here to complain!!’
‘Of course, I want to complain about the fact that tu notify me that I don't complain!!’
Cuddy sighs. ‘I just wanted to know if this summer you're going to go on vacation and when, because I have to make new schedules.’
‘Of course. I'm going on holidays. I need a break!! When can I go and how long??’
‘You have three weeks off. But...
continue reading...
The days passed, Cuddy was doing her job normally, but missed sleeping with someone at her side, House had not bought things, he just merely play their instruments, taking a walk, and talk with ... his girl friend? Aside from having to Wilson, with whom he chatted and ate daily, had a girl friend?
It was Sunday, Wilson and House were out to lunch.
"Your team needs you, apparently, Foreman is not as good as you, well, that's all we know, but you're not going to help?" dicho Wilson
"They're grow, the're smart, they're 3 heads plus Cameron an Chase"
"You're not going to work anymore? tu will not...
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posted by HouseAddict87
Chapter 2: Secrets Untold
Five o’clock rolled around and Cuddy asked House and Thirteen to step into her office. She held out Thirteen’s file and began to speak to her fellow doctors/estranged family.
“Dr. Hadley you’re probably wondering why we have called tu in to meet with us.”
“I’m not getting fired am I?”
“No that’s not what this is about. Dr. House and I have some important news we need to tell tu and talk to tu about.”
“Good. I just new tu called me in here to fuego me.”
“Not today.” House said.
“Dr. Hadley when Dr. House and I were in college we had a relationship...
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posted by lizzie22xo
    A few days had passed since their last “meeting”, at the football. She was too upset, too confused with these feelings. Yes, she had finally realized she wanted him.. really wanted him. Everything about him was interesting, unlike all the other guys. He was one of a kind in her eyes.
    He was brilliant and complicated, which is tough to find in a 20-something-year old. Especially, since she never looked for a guy. She was too busy and focused on school. Sure, she’s had boyfriends. Though, none of them got her hot when she randomly thought...
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posted by lizzie22xo
The football game was what everybody was talking about today. Students were wearing Michigan sweatshirts, jackets, o any type of camisa, camiseta for that matter. She wasn’t big into watching football per say, but it gave her something to do. Plus, it was one of the biggest games of the season.
    She sits in the student section, which happens to be at the very parte superior, arriba of the stadium. Even though the two football team looks like little dots from where she’s sitting, she doesn’t mind. Michigan’s leading on the score board- 14-6. As she looks at the score, she can’t help but...
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posted by huddybuddy17
Chapter 1: Enough is Never Enough

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters of House M.D. All characters/thematic concepts are owned por David apuntalar, costa and Co.

The distinct sound of wood courting hardwood

resonated throughout House’s once-empty, recluse

apartment, the hollow bachelor’s pad that had

served as his proscenium stage and knew him all

too well. The stage that had tacitly

reciprocated a promise: to never leave. Unlike

Stacey, his indigenous thigh muscle, and his

once “less miserable” outlook on life, his

apartment had never negated o forsaken him. In

fact, if his apartment walls...
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posted by lizzie22xo
The stare she gave was somewhat less evil then the other glares she had dado him before. It was almost like she enjoyed his comments.
“Now that morons gone, lets get tu wasted.”
“No way, I’d like to remember what I do tonight.”
“Do tu ever have fun?”
“Of course, I do, just not your type of fun.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“Your type of fun is getting trashed out of your mind, sleeping with people tu don’t even know their names, skipping class, doing-“
“Yeah, yeah, I get it.”
She smiled a big devilish grin, and stood up from the couch.
“Hey, where are tu going?”...
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posted by Sculy08
A Happy Life: Chapter 10 (6/9/09)

[House, Cuddy, and Rachel are in her car and heading home. Cuddy is in the passengers asiento with her head turned to right looking out the window. Rachel is asleep in her asiento in the back seat. House keeps glancing over at Cuddy. Cuddy notices this and turns her head towards him and smiles.]

Cuddy: I'll be okay House it’s just a bug.
House: Cuddy I think we should stop at the pharmacy on the way home.
Cuddy: Why?
House: I think we should get a pregnancy test.
Cuddy: House I couldn't get pregnant before even with in-vitro what makes tu think tu can impregnate...
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posted by Sculy08
A Happy Life: Chapter 9
[House walks into the clinic. The nurse at the station looks up from the computer screen and smirks at him.]

Nurse: Dr.Cuddy is busy she has Rachel and will only be in for a few minutes.
House: Good. Just enough time to annoy her. Go back to your crossword puzzle Nurse Cranky.
Nurse: Nice to know tu still as miserable as tu always were Dr.House.

[House sees Cuddy sitting at the DESK. House's mind travels back to a time when the escritorio was new. It was late spring and the semester was coming to a close. House had gone to see Cuddy before the summer. House knocked on Cuddy's...
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posted by Sculy08
A Happy Life: Chapter 7
[Rachel had finally been released from the hospital. Cuddy took a week off to take care of her at home. Cuddy was still feeling under the weather and the nausea had not subsided. Wilson was left in charge of the keeping House in line.]
[It was early morning on Monday morning. The sun is just starting to rise over a small house in New Jersey. A motorcycle is parked in the driveway. The motorbike had been parked in the driveways más days than it wasn't parked there these days.
House was sitting in Rachel's room staring out the window. He had trouble sleeping in his apartment...
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It was early morning in Princeton. Around seven o'clock. The sun was slowly rising over the horizon, and everything was quiet.
On Sinplore Dr., there was a particular house standing out from all the rest.
It was a yellow house, with white shudders and a blue front door. It had the perfect lawn. The driveway was filled with three different cars, all in front of the garaje that matched the house.
Inside, there was an aged man sitting back on the couch. He had matted, brown and gray hair, a beard that had apparently been un-shaved for weeks and a pair of piercing blue eyes. He was dressed in a white...
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"Stop this."
"Drop it Wilson."
"Do tu see what you're doing to him?"
"I'm well aware of the damage I am causing. Now please get out of my room."
"I'm not going to discharge tu until tu talk to me."
"With what power?"
"My department power. I can hold tu back for cancer tests on tu and the baby. Even if tu are the Dean, your still a patient. "
She sighed. She had a clever retort but she knew he had something to say, so she held her tongue.
He just stared at her at first. Then gave a slight scoff. It wasn't a negative scoff, más like an entertained scoff. He smiled then slid his hand down his...
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"This years new class graduaties please rise." the dean announced. Everyone on stage rose. "Congradulations and goodluck!!" the dean dicho into the microphone. Everyone took off their trofeos and threw them into the air. Greg threw his gorra, cap up into the air as did Lisa. Then he picked Lisa up like newly weds do and looked her straight in the eyes. "I'll amor tu always and forever. tu are the center of my whole world. Wherever tu wanna go i'll follow, whatever tu wanna do i'll follow. Lisa-" He was cut off por Lisa "Kiss me tu fool" she whispered in a mokingly voice and then they pasionatley kissed....
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Chapter 12 – Good kiss Good Dream -

Cuddy got inicial and kept that strange moment in her mind. He was so close to her. Was he thinking about giving her a chance? Was he giving her a sign? She was confused and tired. Once inside, Cuddy left her maletín and bolso, monedero on the floor, took her capa and fell on the sofa. She fell asleep instantly.

Suddenly, she heard her mobile ringing. Not now, she thought. Yawning she picked it up.


“Were tu sleeping?”

“House?” She asked, más awaked.

“Who else...” He said.

“What do tu want? I’m tired I need to sleep.”

“Don’t hang up!”...
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posted by CathCuddy
Chapter 1 - Late -

It was a spring día at the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. The pollen was waving with the gentle passing breeze, and the normal daily rush started at 9.00 am for doctor Cuddy. She was in the lobby filling a few papers that the chief-nurse had asked for, when Wilson arrived and gave her a wide-open smile and a very enthusiastic ‘Good Morning’.

Cuddy went into her office and brought her mind to the huge pile of papers that her secretary had waiting in her hands.

Cameron, Chase and Foreman were at the Diagnostics office waiting for their boss. House was always late,...
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posted by HousesCane
OK. I don't know if this is any good. So oso, oso de with me.

House rushes into Cuddy's hospital room.
"What what happened?" He asks.
"We were driving and talking about you, then she lost control and drove into a truck." Explains Alice.
"House, I'm here for you." House turns around and sees his buddy Wilson.
"Wilson." He says pulling him in for a hug.

It was Monday, and Cuddy told Alice that she was not going to her classes today.
"Lisa tu can't just skip class to stay away from House. You'll have to see him sometime." Alice says.
"I'll see him when I forgive him. I haven't forgiven him...
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posted by HousesCane
I don't know if this chappie is any good. So oso, oso de with me.

The siguiente day, after House and Cuddy's classes, they were on their way to House's dorm. Until some drunk guy came up to them.
"Heyy, Greggie," The man slurred, "Which lady do tu have with tu this time?"
"It's none of your business. Now go away." House replied.
"She's a looker." The man dicho touching Cuddy's face.
"Get the hell off me asshole!" Cuddy yelled.
"You heard her. Get off!" House dicho pushing the man away from Cuddy.
"I'll do whatever the hell I want to her."
"No tu won't!" House dicho punching the man in the jaw.
"You know Greg you've...
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It was 8 am, when House´s phone rang.
"Doctor House,is Emily Hazard your assistant, just calling to tell tu that yesterday called Dr. Cuddy's from PPTH - Hearing this, House rose from the bed, immediately - she dicho that she wants to talk with tu personally on matters relating to hospital that tu bought last three months, she dicho it was urgent "
"Uhm, call her and tell her ... uhm ... tell her that I will call her when I can" House cut the call.
At the hospital.
Cuddy was in the lovi when Wilson arrived.
"If House is not going to come to work anymore, at least should bring o send...
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This will surely be blocked o deleted in 2-3 days so just in case, tu can #dl this compilation here - o Just copy-paste the YT link on the el espacio provided and tu can DL the format tu prefer.. ;)
huddy scenes
season 7
dr. greg house
dr. lisa cuddy
added by HuddyJoy0524
Source: Me ;)