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How to Get Away With Murder Recap: Does That Make Him Crazy? Possibly.

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I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘How to Get Away With Murder’: Oliver Kidnapped? Dies? — Recap of HTGAWM | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Amid Emily Sinclair’s blood splatter, Oliver’s spilled milk (not a euphemism), Bonnie’s declaration of hatred and Asher’s rap video, no doubt your head is spinning like Linda Blair in
(albeit with immeasurably more style, sophistication and glamour) thanks to this week’s installment of
HTGAWM Castle, Vampire Diaries, The Blacklist, Quantico, Gotham, NCIS and More
That said, with so much OMG-WTF-GRRRRL,NAW plot to digest — and not spew around the room — you’d be forgiven for momentarily forgetting the two most essential words uttered over the course of the 60-minute roller coaster ride: “It’s
OK, sure, we know Annalise is talking about Wes to her lover-confidante-partner-in-snacking Eve… but what does she mean by
? Long-lost son she gave up for adoption? (Wayyy too easy.) Long-lost nephew her sister gave up for adoption? (Hmmm… maybe.) Son of some long-lost suicidal client she’d made a death-bed promise to protect? (I’m probably overthinking this.) That young piece of Grade A law-student beef she’s been eyeing for two whole semesters? (Sorry… I can’t let go of the sexual tension percolating in every Annalise-Wes interaction, no matter how sick that makes me.)
Before I fall down a rabbit hole of theories sure to be disproven by creator/showrunner Pete Nowalk (look for our post mortem Q&A on TVLine around lunchtime on Friday), let’s break down the 10 most shocking developments from “I Want You to Die” (most of which happens just FOUR DAYS prior to “Shooting Night”):
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“Go back to the office and stop being needy”
10. Annalise orders potato skins and mozzarella sticks at a dive bar with Eve. “What the hell?” she asks, smiling — 
, people. Maybe she should take her “Sam money” and run off to Paris with her lesbian lover, no?
9. “You’re messin with the wrong bitch,” says Annalise, threatening Sinclair. To which her dumb-dumb rival puffs up her chest and asks, “Is that a threat?” (She tried it!) “I guess you’ll see,” smiles Annalise. Probably not significant, but damn fun!
8. Annalise gets her students to assail the character of Mother Teresa and bring her up on murder charges. It’s possible that sweet nun did kind of have an “inflated sense of self-worth,” right?
7. Eve clears Nate of “murdering” Nia. (There’s a lot we could go into here, but dude really didn’t deserve to wind up in jail for carrying out his wife’s wishes. Also, his adult-level talk with his romantic rival was truly, madly, adorably mature.)
6. There are divisions in the Keating Four on “Shooting Night.” In fact, the flash-forward shows Connor and Michaela fleeing the Hapstall mansion (Connor grousing, “We know better this time!”) while Laurel and Wes ponder how to use the latter’s gun to influence their actions. (Whoa!)
5. Bonnie doesn’t buy Asher’s excuses for the gang rape at Trotter Lake. “She works so hard to be OK and you get to go on being you… oblivious and the fun guy!” she rages, not buying her erstwhile lover’s defense of drunken youth. He counters in typically boneheaded fashion that “I understand why this is your thing” — and then she knows that Annalise has shared her history of childhood sexual abuse with the man she loves.
4. Bonnie confronts Annalise, hissing “I was the card you traded” (to guarantee Asher’s silence). But Annalise fights back that she truly loves her left-hand woman — and if not, she can go back to the fancy apartment where she’d been “rolling around in bed with a 25-year-old boy” (ouch… way to dis her romance with Mr. Millstone!) “I want you to die,” Bonnie concludes, unswayed. “That’s what I want. That it was you killed in this house, not Sam. Because he’d have never done this to me.”
3. When Eve confronts Annalise that with her theory that she’s framed Nate and is protecting Wes in Sam’s murder case, La Keating doesn’t deny it. He’s more than just some student, Annalise counters, “It’s
.” Suddenly, it’s clear these two women hold a secret that maybe no one else on the show knows — and Eve softens noticeably. “You’re a very good person.” Ummmm… let’s not get carried away, but still, here’s hoping this is a Burning Question that gets answered by the end of Season 2, yes? (My bet is that Wes is not Annalise’s blood relation — but rather the son of a friend or client who was killed doing Annalise’s legal bidding.)
2. Oliver becomes more deeply embroiled in the goings-on of the Keating firm, continuing with Frank’s request to trace the online life of Helena Hapstall’s biological son Philip — without Connor’s knowledge. “She’s so much nicer than you said!” Oliver coos, after meeting Annalise, and we know he’s the sweetest, most guileless guy you could imagine — and that he should take Connor’s advice, pack his belongings and head back to the America’s Next Top Supporting Characters house immediately. Instead, as Connor goes on a fake online “date” to collect Philip’s DNA, Philip (who’s been monitoring Oliver via secret video on his laptop) sneaks into the tech whiz’s apartment. and asks the most benign/terrifying question ever: “Hi, Oliver. How’s your night going?”
1. In the final seconds of the episode, as Michaela and Connor flee the Hapstall mansion on Shooting Night, they’re startled by Sinclair hitting the pavement with a splat as dramatic as Lexi Featherston’s in
! They look up — past Laurel and Wes — and who do they see but… Bonnie??? I’ll never believe Bonnie killed both Rebecca and Emily… so forgive me for waiting til the fall finale in two weeks to declare her guilty. Until then, it’s your turn!
What did you think of this week’s HTGAWM? What is Annalise’s connection to Wes? And will Oliver be kidnapped — or actually die? Sound off below!
This show gets crazier and crazier each episode and I am loving it. I hope they play the mother & son card with Annalise and Wes cause it’s a great storyline but it is just so obvious and with this show you never know.
“Annalise gets her students to assail the character of Mother Teresa and bring her up on murder charges. It’s possible that sweet nun did kind of have an “inflated sense of self-worth,” right?”
Her facilities- even after the Nobel and gobs of donations- routinely undersupplied painkillers because she thought suffering brought people closer to god. Not sweet.
Also, I think “will Connor be kidnapped” should be “Oliver.”
I know tons of characters are going to keep dying throughout the run of this show, but not my Ollie! I couldn’t take it! Please let that be the way too obvious route and let there be a twist that allows Oliver to live. PLEASE.
Also, Bonnie is really wracking up the body count there…
Pleeeeeeeeeeease don’t let anything bad happen to Oliver! Damn. First I gotta worry about Jenny on “Sleepy Hollow” and now Oliver? Why must TV writers be so mean?
Wes with a gun, following after Michaela and Connor, scares me. A lot. Like, what the hell is going on there? And even as I knew the dropping body was that of Sinclair’s, I still gasped anyway at seeing her actually falling to the ground. Michaela’s reaction to that was pretty much the same one I would’ve had.
Bonnie telling Annalise off was all sorts of, “Ooooooooooh.” And honestly, I think she has every right to be angry. I know why Annalise did what she did with that, and I’ve no doubt she does care about Bonnie in her own incredibly twisted way, but still…that’s such a personal, dark, horrific thing. If I were in Bonnie’s shoes I wouldn’t exactly want that sort of video being paraded around, either. As for seeing her on the balcony that night, I could see her pushing Sinclair off accidentally. Like, Sinclair comes at her, and Bonnie defends herself and fights back, and whoops, Sinclair slips and falls to her death. But of course, considering Bonnie has a murder under her belt already, she’ll be suspected of murdering her, too, and so begins THAT little cover-up. That’s my working theory right now, anyway.
And while we’re on the subject of the flash forward events, since Wes has a gun, I don’t know if HE would be the one who shoots Annalise, but I’d be willing to bet that particular gun will wind up being what takes her down. Still working out who might pull the trigger there. And speaking of Wes, while I would not put it past the writers to actually make him her son, easy as that answer would be, I do like the idea of her taking him in after some horrible event or something.
Finally, I am rather relieved that Asher didn’t actually participate in the horrors at Trotter Lake, but I am glad that Bonnie did call him out for his inaction all the same. And on that note, kudos to the show for having the actor do that message at the end, with the phone number. Good move. Also, on a lighter note, let’s never have Asher rap again, mmkay? Thanks.
I cannot WAIT to see how that night with the shooting goes down. Oh, my god, it’s going to be nuts, isn’t it?
I’m almost wondering if Bonnie didn’t kill Sinclair. Rather, I’m wondering if she pushed Sinclair’s already dead body over the balcony to cover up what really happened to her.
I’ve been saying for WEEKS that there’s something MORE to Ana and Wes. But after tonight, I think being his Mom is too obvious. I’m kind of leaning towards Bonnie, especially after Ana’s speech tonight. We know Bonnie was sexually abused…and probably a lot more than that. Who’s to say there wasn’t a baby along the way, and that baby was a part of Ana “rescuing” Bonnie years ago. That certainly was a teen-aged daughter type performance Bonnie gave tonight! And watching over someone ELSE’S secret baby makes you a “good person;” that comment is more appropriate for a situation in which you selflessly helped another. Either way, I’m glad they’re finally addressing this bizarre Ana-Wes relationship, and I can’t WAIT to find out the gory details!
It makes perfect sense, but Wes is black. I don’t know if I buy the whole mixed baby thing when I look at him.
I have to say…this show just gets better and better. This season is much more intense and twisted than the first. Wow! And please don’t hurt Oli.
Here’s my theory: Asher killed Sinclair. With Bonnie standing where the body fell, I need not explain myself. I think either Connor or Catherine killed Annalise. Catherine would be a great curveball, sincer we still have no explanation as to why Frank knocked her out and carried her into the woods. Connor because he said a few episodes ago “You did this to yourself.” Running away makes him look mighty suspicious.
The show is shot too much in the dark. This is annoying and it’s starting to make me think I’m not a fan as much as I used to be.
Very nice post. I certainly love this website.
I have a “not nice” feeling of Buffy´s “seeing Red”, when Tara dies… with Ollie in this chapter. Once he become part of the group, he is killing off… that will make Connor very very upset… On the other hand, i got that feeling that Philip likes Oliver… so who knows… he maybe fall in love with him… and we have a sequel of Almodovar´s “Tip me up, tip me down”.
Ms Shonda love to kill off sweet characters, so Oliver may be next
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