hetalia USA Family RP Club
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posted by Hawaii_APH
My Profile

State Name: Hawaii

Capital: Honolulu

Government: Under a Democratic rule.

Language: English and Hawaiian

Human Name: Malalani Pua (her last name is suppose to be Jones, but she decided to keep her old name)

Age: 16, but can look younger due to shortness and slightness.

Hair Color: Deep brown, almost black.

Eye Color: Same as hair.

Height: 5'1 ft
Weight: 112 lb

Body Parts:
Scar over eye-Pearl Harbor
Hibiscus flor in hair- Honululu

Personality: Mature, can be sweet, is not easily angered, unless her enemies are close, considers herself an older sibling to the other states. Can be get nervous around male countries, but is usually composed.

Likes: Her ukelele, hibiscuses, pineapple, dancing, singing, warm weather, lizards, marine life, performing, hosting "parties"for others.

Dislikes: Rudeness, cold weather, tourists (but will entertain them anyway), deciduous trees, being called the "younger state".

Fears: Being taken over por a different country, colonization, snow, Japan, bombs.

Family: America, other states.

Friends: Puerto Rico, Tahiti, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Australia.

Potential amor Interest: None, maybe a sibling.

Enemies: Japan, Cuba.

Indifferent: France, Great Britain, Russia.

Pets: Has a monk sello named Aleka, and a oro Dust día geco, gecko named Hinano.

Past Caretakers: French Polynesia, Tahiti, Russia, America.

Shortened History: Was once ruled por French Polynesia and Tahiti, became it's own country, was taken over por Russia but kicked him out, was fought over por England and France for colonization, where she would have no say in government, was adopted por America so she would have a say, was attacked por japón when she was in the garden, causing America to attack japón in return.