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princesas de disney
fairy tale
added by EduFerreiraLins
Source: Source: Ebay.
added by LupinPrincess
Source: Scanned por LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess
Source: Scanned por LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess
Source: Scanned por LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess
Source: Scanned por LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess
Source: Scanned por LupinPrincess
added by abcjkl
added by PrincessFairy
added by PrincessFairy
added by 324anna
 credit to petitetiaras
credit to petitetiaras
"It's CHRISTMASSSSS! Oh Tia, Tia, I can't believe it's finally here! I'm oh so excited to be spending the día with all your friends, all the pretty, pretty princesses! I can't wait to mostrar them up with my pretty rosado, rosa dre-TIA WHERE'S MY rosado, rosa DRESS??" Lottie shouted at the parte superior, arriba of her lungs.

"Right here Lottie," Tiana pointed to the dress, right in Charlotte's point of view. "Anyway merry navidad Lottie! Our seventeenth navidad together, my how time passes.

Ding Dong

"They're already here? Oh Tia, oh Tia, I'm not ready for this! I am not ready for this! I don't even have my hair done!" Lottie...
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added by Aang_Lite
added by _CatWoman_
Source: Disney's screeancaps
added by PrincessFairy
added by Lena_t
added by BraBrief
Source: me (BraBrief) foto por
posted by AudreyFreak
 "Whoa dude, let it go." "I can't, these lyrics make no sense and have little to do with my story! What were they thinking?!"
"Whoa dude, let it go." "I can't, these lyrics make no sense and have little to do with my story! What were they thinking?!"
If tu amor Frozen, Elsa, and Let It Go, I advise tu to turn back now. I'm gonna get ranty and I know how in amor people are with this movie so if tu don't want to hear any criticism of it, tu probably oughtn't read this. I'm also pretty sick of this song (THEY'RE PLAYING IT AT MY JOB EVERY día NOW! I can't escape!), but I'll try not to let that make me too preachy.

I think this song is actually the opposite of admirable the más I listen to it. It seems fun and glamorous when tu only listen to the words on a shallow level, but when tu dig deeper and read into the meaning, it starts looking...
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posted by MissCassecou
10 Signs You’re a disney Addict
Bonjour! Most people who post things on fanpop about disney everyday happen to be disney Addicts, but if you’re not sure and tu fit with the majority of these points, then... you’re a disney Addict. o just read it to have fun. Enjoy!

1. You’ve watched the majority of the disney cine
And por majority I mean around 92.8 percent. Or... something. This point is definitely a dado but if you’ve only seen a few disney movies, tu don’t have to pick up your game, just pick up a disney movie that tu haven’t seen before. NOW.

2. tu quote disney in every-day...
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added by Persephone713
Source: disney image, me, picmonkey