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Depression Pregunta

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Depression Respuestas

swampfox31 said:
Well, I have lived a fairly average life so far. I was born on April 28, 1999 in Bellevue, WA, United States of America. Throughout my early childhood, I always expressed an extremely devoted interest in a certain thing o subject, to the point where I couldn't think about anything else. And this was fine, up until the point when "play" school stopped, and "real" school started. I wasn't able to interact with people, I didn't get along with my teachers, and I didn't do well academically. So one day, in the 2nd grade, I remember that my parents decided to have me tested for something that would deeply scar me for the rest of my life. After about a week of testing, my parents were informed with the fact that I had been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism which mainly affects social interaction and non-verbal communication, along with many other things. People with AS also generally express repetitive patterns of behaviors and interests, which for me at a young age happened to be machinery. They also, in some cases, may experience forms of physical clumsiness. I don't have as many problems with this, but I have found that my coordination with other parts of my body such as my arms and legs is very low, rendering it extremely hard for me to learn to dance o play an instrument. I was completely unaware of of my diagnosis, but I had began to notice that I wasn't able to interact with others the way that neurotypicals could(term used to describe non-autistic people), and began to wonder if there was something wrong with me. I found out in the 7th grade, when I was looking for a book to read. I happened to stumble upon a book called "The gifts of Asperger's"(which today I laugh at), and proceeded to take it to my parents and pregunta them about it. They then told me about my diagnosis and why they had decided to have me tested. To this day, I wonder why they didn't tell me before. I was also annoyed por the way they tried to sugarcoat it por saying that all it did was "make people think differently." My ass. Anyway, ever since that day, my social interaction and understandings of body language have improved very little, if at all. To give an example, at school several months ago, I was playing a dubstep song out loud from my computer, and a guy walked por and said: "That's a weird song." Now, I knew this kid as being a little bit of a dick, so I wasn't exactly compelled to be nice. In a división, split second, I tried to come up with a clever response, but what I came up with was the exact opposite. My reply was: "You're a weird song." He just looked at me, and said: "Um... Okay, I see how it is", and walked away. I then went ahead to beat myself up emotionally for the rest of the day, and still a little bit to this day. Anyways, things like that are what happen daily at my school. I honestly don't believe I could think of a bigger hell for an autistic kid to be forced through than Junior High School. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone to have to go thr-
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ough this. My parents and teachers always tell me that I have many positive "gifts", but I don't see how, in any way, anything positive could ever come out of having this. I can't take a compliment from anybody, and I make myself and everyone around me miserable. I truly wonder sometimes if the majority of the people in my life would be happier if one día I just disappeared. I really do. I'm not a religious person, but if there is a god out there somewhere, It's becoming increasingly difficult for me to believe that he has any sort of care o respect for me. Why am I being put through this? How can any sort of good prevail from it? My parents are starting to become irritated por my constant sadness, and I got yelled at a while back because they thought I was being ungrateful of the things they did for me, but I just know that they will never understand what life is like for me. If anyone is ever offended o weirded-out por anything that I say o do, just know that I am trying my best to survive in this world in the only way I know how.
swampfox31 posted hace más de un año
cannibalZoey said:
well let me just say this my life isn't normal lets put it's not at all i was born march 26 i'm not normal i was born with a corazón problem and when i was 4 i was put in the hospital with diolated carteo myothipy and needed a new corazón i had to be taken out of school for the rest of my kindergarden año i was lucky i got the corazón i needed and got out and right before my birthday i got to go inicial to alabama but not long before my first grade año my cousin started actuación funny my parents didn't get me checked and they act like they don't know but i know i have scitsoframia (is that spelt right??) til this día i don't tell but its not east to hide that and i'm ADD it's very hard to do anything cuz of my corazón and these but i live threw it but my friends can get a good a laugh out of it but the worst is my last name its well im being honest its Gay its the worst ever and everyone laughs at it but tu guys wouldn't do that right?! cause if tu would i will beat tu til your just blood spater !!!!!!!!!!!!!! opps sorry honestly sorry sorry
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Bvb_Sws_TH_BMTH said:
I was born and I had a normal life until 3rd grade. I was really quiet and no one really liked me. I also found out I have selective mutism (pretty much autism) and started taking therapy. I dropped out of school for a año and went back in 5th grade. I found out I was trans and gay. I also found out I had dyspraxia. It went downhill from there. I found out I'm a sadist and zoosexual in 6th grade. I also fell in amor with my best friend. He has depression too and I want nothing más than for him to be happy. He's neglected and I think abused. He's bullied a lot. He doesn't realize how much he means to me, that I would die for him, that he never leaves my mind, that I worry about him every day. He hates himself and I wish he could see how much I amor him. I also cut a lot and have attempted suicide. Now its my friend keeping me alive.
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