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posted by Seanthehedgehog
SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Spike It

Starring Joe, Thomas, Silver, and Erik from SeanTheHedgehog
With Sunny from Bluecherry6765, and Mimi Retcon from BlondLionEzel
Also starring Ditto from Canada24

A voleibol game was in action at Canterlot. Ditto was the coach for one team, but it was losing 16 to 19.

News Pony: And welcome back to another exciting game in the E.V.L. the Equestrian voleibol League. I'm Mike Richards, and with me is Allen Woods. What do tu think of this game so far Allen?
News poni, pony 2: I think it's a good game so far, but I do want the Canterlot Humans to win.
News Pony: Yes, they are losing 16 to 19. Hopefully for Ditto the coach, they will catch up.
News poni, pony 2: For those of tu just tuning into this game, here are the players. On the Canterlot Humans is Joe Proxon, Thomas Canfield, Erik Estrada, Mimi Retcon, Sunny, and Silver.
News Pony: The team they're playing against is the Fillydelphia Phoenix's. Their team members are Miguel Vixon-

While the news ponies were going over the players on the Phoenix's, one of their team members hit the ball out of bounds.

News poni, pony 2: And the Fillydelphia Phoenix's have hit the ball out of bounds, giving the Humans a point.
News Pony: Now it's bad news for the Phoenix's, as Thomas Canfield is now about to serve.
News poni, pony 2: Thomas is the best server in all of Equestria. No poni, pony is as good as him.
Thomas: 17 serving 19. *Hits ball over the net*
Fillydelphia Phoenix Ponies: I got it! *Bump into each other letting the ball hit the ground*
News Pony: Ooh, that's gotta hurt.
News poni, pony 2: It'll certainly hurt for the Humans if they don't score enough points. The game is about to end in 45 seconds.
Thomas: 18 serving 19. *Hits ball over the net*
Fillydelphia Phoenix poni, pony 4: It's not going over.

But the ball did go over the net, and landed on the floor before anyone could get it.

News Pony: Now the Humans are tied. They just need one más point to win, and it'll be their victory.
Thomas: 19 serving 19. *Hits ball over the net*
Fillydelphia Phoenix poni, pony 6: *Hits the ball over the net*
News poni, pony 2: Ooh! One of the Phoenix's just set the ball over the net, but thankfully, Joe passed the ball to Silver, and he hits it over the net.
Fillydelphia Phoenix poni, pony 5: *Passes the ball to a teammate*
Fillydelphia Phoenix poni, pony 2: *Hits the ball over the net*
News poni, pony 2: Only twenty segundos left. Can the Humans score another point in time?
Mimi: *Passes the ball to Erik*
Erik: *Passes the ball to Joe* Spike it!
Joe: *Spikes the ball*
News Pony: Joe surprises the Phoenix's with a spike. No one was able to get that one!
News poni, pony 2: Now the Humans are in the lead 20 to 19.

A loud campana rang indicating that time is up.

News Pony: And that's the end of the game. The Canterlot Humans have won 20 to 19 against the Fillydelphia Phoenix's.
News poni, pony 2: Let me tell you, Thomas was really great out there with the serving.
News Pony: You've dicho it Allen. Nopony will ever be a better server then Thomas Canfield.

After the match, Ditto made his team stay in the gym. He was proud of his team winning, but he wasn't too thrilled about part of the game where they were losing.

Ditto: Alright everypony. Your comeback in the ending of that game was outstanding. However, tu need to improve your performance. Especially tu Thomas.
Thomas: Me?
Joe: He's right. tu maybe our best server, but you're not good at everything else.
Ditto: He's right. tu don't pass the ball to your teammates, tu caught the ball a few times when the other team hit it towards you, and you're certainly not good at spiking.
Thomas: I just don't see the need to spike the ball.
Erik: hola man, spiking the ball is important, especially if you're close to the net.
Ditto: Right. I think all of tu need to practice. Come over to my house tomorrow morning for training.
Thomas: Alright. May we go?
Ditto: Sure.
Thomas: *Leaves the gym with Joe, Erik, Silver, Mimi, and Sunny*

At Thomas' house

Thomas: *Sitting at the cena mesa, tabla with Kenny*
Martha: *Brings chinese comida to Kenny, and Thomas* Enjoy.
Thomas: Oh we will. Right Kenny?
Kenny: Yeah.
Martha: That's good to hear. *Walks to television*
Thomas: You're not having cena with us?
Martha: I'm not hungry. *Turns on TV*
Announcer: And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, it's the 32nd Daring Do film, Daring Do Rides The Bus.
Daring Do: No!!!!!!!!
Announcer: Can she survive torture on wheels?
Daring Do: *Standing in the bus, because there are no seats available. The bus stops, and she goes flying through the front window* take it easy on the brakes!
Announcer: Crowded spaces, bad smells, and traffic jams galore.
Daring Do: Get me out of here!!
Announcer: Daring Do Rides The Bus. Arriving in theaters everywhere on April 1st.
Thomas: Must be an April Fool's joke.
Announcer: Oh, and before the trailer ends, this is not an April Fools joke. This is a real movie.

siguiente morning, everypony was at Ditto's house.

Ditto: Now listen up. We're close to winning the E.V.L. All we gotta do is beat the Icebergs in the semi finals, then beat the Spiders in the championship.
Mimi Retcon: Who came up with those names?
Ditto: Don't know, don't care, but they sound stupid.
Mimi Retcon: How did tu know I was going to say that?
Ditto: Because I'm your coach. I know everything about you. We'll start off practice with balance. tu can't play voleibol if tu can't stand on your back legs, so we'll do some gymnastics.
Silver: Do we even have any balance beams?
Ditto: Yep. *Uses magic to make the balance beams appear* I had these in my closet for- *Hears loud noises in his room* Excuse me. *Goes away*
Thomas: I'll start. *Gets on the balance beam, and starts walking on his back legs*
Joe: So far, so good.
Thomas: Thanks. *Gets to the other end of the balance beam* Now for my siguiente trick. *Stands on his front legs, making his back legs stick up in the air*
Erik: Oh boy.
Mimi Retcon: Showoff.
Thomas: *Walks on the balance beam with his front legs*
Ditto: *Returns* Good work Thomas, but what legs are tu supposed to be standing on?
Thomas: My back.
Ditto: Good. Remember that. Whose next?

Outside of Ditto's house, he was still training his team.

Ditto: Now for this part of our practice we're going to practice setting the ball. When it comes towards you, just stick your front legs up in the air, and push the ball away with your hooves. Make sure it goes high enough when tu push it. Any questions?
Sunny: I got one. Why are tu telling us to push the ball instead of hitting it?
Ditto: Because, hitting, and pushing are two different things. When tu hit the ball, tu make it go at a far distance. When tu push it, you're making it go far in altitude. That's good for passing the ball to teammates.
Joe: Are tu gonna let us practice, o are tu going to lecture us?
Ditto: Sure, take the ball. *Throws ball to Joe*
Joe: *Catches the ball* Silver. *Sets the ball to Silver*
Silver: *Sets the ball to Thomas*
Thomas: *Sets the ball to Mimi Retcon*
Mimi Retcon: *Falls as she sets the ball*
Ditto: Stop.
Sunny: *Catches the ball*
Ditto: Are tu alright Mimi?
Mimi Retcon: Yes.
Ditto: Let's try something else.

At a gymnasium with a projector on a muro to their right.

Ditto: Alright, you've all heard of the Hedgehog In Ponyville movies. Correct?
Thomas: Oh yeah.
Silver: Yes.
Joe: Yeah.
Mimi Retcon: I haven't.
Ditto: Then tu are about to watch a part of it. Now pay attention.

The projector was turned on, and part of the movie was playing.

Volk: *Gets bag of dirt full, and gives it to Sigmund*
Sigmund: *Passes bag to Airborne*
Airborne: *Passes bag to arco iris Dash*
arco iris Dash: *passes bag to Sacred Symphony*
Sacred Symphony: *Passes bag to Shredder*
Shredder: *Passes bag to Jade*
Jade: *Passes bag to Bartholomew*
Bartholomew: *Passes bag to Brewster*
Brewster: *Puts bag on bed*

The movie was paused por Ditto, and the projector screen turned blue.

Ditto: That scene was from Hedgehog In Ponyville: The Great Escape. Can tu guess why I would mostrar tu that?
Thomas: To mostrar us how they were working together.
Ditto: That's right. They work together to get the dirt out of the tunnel. tu guys are going to work together to pass the ball to each other. Line up siguiente to each other.

And they did.

Ditto: Alright. Mimi, pass the ball. *Throws ball high enough for Mimi Retcon to pass to her teammates*
Mimi Retcon: *Passes the ball to Sunny*
Sunny: *Passes the ball to Thomas*
Thomas: *Passes the ball to Erik*
Erik: *Passes the ball to Joe*
Joe: *Passes the ball to Silver*
Silver: *Sets the ball, and then catches it*
Ditto: Fantastic. There's one más thing I want tu guys to practice, and then tu can go home. There are two things I want tu to do.
Thomas: I thought tu dicho there was only one thing.
Ditto: Yeah, well.. I lied about that. I want tu to practice concentration, and spiking the ball.
Erik: I can't believe tu lied to us coach.
Ditto: Yeah, I know. Now start practicing, first on spiking. Thomas, Mimi, and Joe, tu go on one side of the net, and the rest of tu stay on the other side.
Silver: That's fine. I had no anticipation on leaving this side of the net anyway.
Ditto: Good. *Throws voleibol to Thomas* Spike it Tom.
Thomas: *Spikes the ball, but it goes too far*
Ditto: You're hitting it too high. tu want the ball to head towards the ground once tu hit it. Try again. *Gets another volleyball, and throws it at Tom*
Thomas: *Spikes the volleyball, and it hits Erik*
Erik: Ow! What was that for?
Thomas: Lets just say I was contemplating on whether I should get revenge on tu for tripping me down those stairs last week.
Erik: It was an accident, and I dicho sorry.
Thomas: And now I forgive you.
Ditto: Save the arguing for later. Okay?
Thomas: Okay.
Erik: Sorry.

After everyone practiced spiking

Ditto: Let's focus on concentration now. tu don't wanna lose focus on the ball if it's heading towards you, otherwise you'll let me, and all the fans down. Three on three match, tu all stay on the same side you're on, and pretend I'm not here. Go.
Erik: *Gives ball to Sunny*
Sunny: 0 serving 0. *Serves the ball, but it hits the ground*
Ditto: The first team to get ten points is the winner.
Thomas: *Gets the ball* 1 serving 0. *Hits the ball over the net*
Erik: I got it! *Sets the ball to Silver*
Silver: *Bumps the ball over the net*
Joe: *About to get the ball*
Ditto: BLAH!!
Joe: *Looks at Ditto* What?
Ditto: Hit the ball!!

But it was too late. The ball hit the ground.

Ditto: Concentrate Joe. tu just gave up the lead for your team. Erik, rotate positions with your team.
Erik: Got it. *Rotates positions with his teammates, and gets the ball* 2 serving 1.
Ditto: 87!!
Erik: *Hits the ball too far to the right*
Ditto: tu got the score wrong por the way. It was tied por 1.
Erik: Ugh. *Runs to get the ball*
Ditto: So far, Joe, and Mr. Estrada are the only ones that got distracted. Everypony else is doing good.
Thomas: *Rotates positions with his teammates*
Joe: I guess I'm serving.
Ditto: That's right.
Erik: *Throws the ball to Joe, and returns to his position*
Joe: 2 serving 1. *Serves the ball, and it heads towards Erik*
Ditto: Did tu hear that Erik? Hey, look at me!!
Erik: *Concentrates on the ball, and hits it*
Ditto: Nice work Erik.
Mimi Retcon: *Hits the ball, and it lands on the net*
Ditto: Who is going to get this one?
Thomas: *Runs to the net, and taps the ball*
Silver: *Hits the ball under the net*
Ditto: hola Silver, in case tu didn't notice, the ball is supposed to go over the net.
Silver: No kidding.
Joe: *Grabs the ball* 3 serving 1. *Serves the ball, and it heads towards Sunny*
Sunny: *Hits the ball with her head*
Ditto: Good mover there Sunny, but you're not allowed to hit the ball with your head.
Sunny: *Blushes*
Ditto: Joe, keep up the good work.
Thomas: Yeah, you're becoming just as good as me.
Joe: Nopony will ever be as good as you. 4 serving 1. *Serves the ball, and it heads towards Erik*
Erik: *Hits the ball over the net*
Thomas: *Hits the ball over the net*
Sunny: *Hits the ball towards Mimi*
Mimi Retcon: *Misses the ball*
Ditto: tu almost had it Mimi.
Mimi Retcon: Did tu really sleep with my sister?
Ditto: I didn't know tu had one until now.
Mimi Retcon: *Throws the ball to Silver*
Silver: 2 serving 4. *Serves the ball, and it heads towards Thomas*
Thomas: *Accidentally catches the ball*
Ditto: Don't do that!
Thomas: I'm not trying to. *Throws the ball to Silver*
Silver: 3 serving 4. *Serves the ball, and it heads towards Thomas*
Thomas: Again? *Hits the ball, but it goes backwards*
Ditto: How does somepony do good with serving, but bad with hitting the ball? Please explain that to me.
Thomas: I am just as clueless as tu are.
Ditto: That's why we're practicing. *Throws ball to Silver*
Silver: *Catches the ball* 4 serving 4. *Serves the ball, and it heads towards Mimi*
Mimi Retcon: Joe! *Sets the ball to Joe*
Ditto: Nice pass.
Joe: *Hits the ball over the net*
Ditto: it's OVER 9,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erik: *Hits the ball over the net*
Thomas: *Jumps as he hits the ball* Go over!

The ball did go over the net, and nopony else could hit it.

Ditto: Nice job there Tom.
Thomas: Thank you. Mimi, you're serving.
Mimi Retcon: Okay. *Rotates positions with her teammates, and catches the ball as Erik throws it to her* 5 serving 4. *Serves the ball, and it heads towards Erik*
Ditto: Party like it's 1999!
Erik: *Sets the ball to Sunny*
Ditto: RUNAWAY!!
Sunny: *Sets the ball to Silver*
Silver: *Hits the ball over the net*
Thomas: *Hits the ball over the net*
Ditto: FOUR!!
Silver: *Gets hit por the ball*
Ditto: *Laughs*
Silver: It's not funny coach. *Kicks the ball to Mimi*
Mimi: 6 serving 4. *Serves the ball, and it heads towards Erik*
Erik: Why do tu keep hitting it towards me? *Hits ball over net*
Ditto: *Fake sneeze*
Thomas: *Hits the ball backwards to Joe*
Joe: *Hits ball over net*
Ditto: ALAHA!!!!!!
Sunny: *Hits ball over net*
Ditto: Oh, *Grabs megaphone, and makes siren noises*
Joe: *Covers ears, preventing himself from hitting the ball*
Ditto: *Turns off noise* I'm going to talk into this from now on. Only concentrate on the ball.
Erik: *Rotates positions with teammates*
Thomas: Here Erik. *Throws ball to Erik*
Erik: Thanks. *Catches the ball* 5 serving 6. *Serves the ball, and it heads towards Mimi*
Mimi Retcon: *About to hit the ball*
Ditto: MISS!!!!!!
Mimi Retcon: *Fails to hit the ball*
Ditto: Hey, it really worked.
Mimi Retcon: *Grabs ball, and throws it to Erik*
Erik: *Catches the ball* 6 serving 6. *Serves the ball, and it heads towards Mimi*
Mimi Retcon: Again?
Erik: Getting annoying, huh?
Mimi Retcon: *Sets ball to Thomas*
Thomas: *Hits the ball too far to the right, and it hits Ditto's megaphone*
Ditto: *Realizes the megaphone is destroyed* Thanks a lot Thomas.
Thomas: tu shouldn't have distracted me.
Ditto: Okay, just continue the game.

In the end, Thomas, Mimi, and Joe won 10 to 7.

siguiente morning, Ditto's team was in the semi finals.

News Pony: When do we start filming?
News poni, pony 4: Right now.
Camera Pony: *Aims camera at the newsanchor*
News poni, pony 4: In 5. 4. 3. 2.
Camera Pony: *Starts filming*
News poni, pony 4: The following program was recorded in high definition.
News Pony: This is Mike Richards with Allen Wood live at the semi finals of the E.V.L.
News poni, pony 2: It's the Canterlot Humans versus the Boston Icebergs. Starting off the game is the Icebergs as they serve the ball, but it ends up going out of bounds.
News Pony: A good start for the Humans, but who will win this ten minuto round?
News poni, pony 2: With Thomas serving for the Humans, it should seem obvious.
Thomas: 1 serving 0. *Hits the ball*
News Pony: There goes the ball, over the net, and right in the center of the court, nopony was prepared for that at all.
Crowd: *Cheering, and holding signs* Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!
Thomas: 2 serving 0. *Hits the ball*
News poni, pony 2: This one's going high.
Iceberg Ponies: I got it!
News Pony: All six of them are going for it, and...
Iceberg Ponies: *Crash into each other making this sound: link *
News poni, pony 2: They didn't get the ball.
Crowd: *Laughing*
Thomas: *Gets the ball* 3 serving 0. *Hits the ball*
News poni, pony 2: This one is going over for sure.
Iceberg poni, pony 3: *Jumps to hit the ball, but it hits his face*
News Pony: The Icebergs are blowing it.
Thomas: 4 serving 0. *Hits the ball*
Iceberg poni, pony 6: I got it.
Iceberg poni, pony 2: No, I got it!
Iceberg poni, pony 6: *Hits the ball*
Iceberg poni, pony 2: I told tu I had it!!
Erik: *Hits the ball back to the arguing iceberg ponies*
Iceberg poni, pony 2: Get out of the way. *Pushes iceberg poni, pony 6, but doesn't get the ball* tu see what tu made me do? I would've gotten that if tu weren't in the way!

Five minutos passed, and the humans were still winning 11 to 6.

News poni, pony 2: For a poni, pony that's really good at serving, Thomas seems to have trouble hitting the ball.
News Pony: Not only that, but he should try passing the ball to his teammates más often.
News poni, pony 2: The icebergs just scored another point. Mimi Retcon hit the ball out of bounds as it was heading towards her.
Iceberg poni, pony 5: 7 serving 11. *Hits ball*
Sunny: I got it! *Hits ball over net*
News Pony: Sunny did a fantastic job hitting that ball over the net, but it looks like it may go out of bounds.
Iceberg poni, pony 1: I got it! *Backs up* Wait a minute, this may go out.
News poni, pony 2: You're right Mike, the ball did go out of bounds there, putting the Boston Icebergs up to 8 points.
News Pony: Now there's only 4 minutes, and 58 segundos left in the game. Can the Humans keep their lead?
Iceberg poni, pony 5: 8 serving 11. *Hits ball, but it doesn't go far before landing on the ground*
News poni, pony 2: That was terrible. The Icebergs were doing so well too.
News Pony: Now the Canterlot Humans are rotating their positions, and Erik Estrada is serving.
Erik: *Catches the ball after someone throws it to him* 12 serving 8. *Hits the ball*
News Pony: It lands right on the net, and is rolling to the left. Everypony stays still.
News poni, pony 2: Where will that ball go?
Erik: come on.

The ball rolled to the center of the net, then fell on the Iceberg side of the court.

Crowd: *Cheering*
News Pony: The Humans have scored another point.
News poni, pony 2: Erik seems really pleased with the way he served that ball.
News Pony: I would be pleased too if I had the skill to do that.
Thomas: Erik, I'm jealous.
Erik: *Laughs* I know, I'm sorry.
Thomas: I meant in a good way. Keep it up.
Iceberg poni, pony 2: *Kicks ball to Erik, and sulks*
Erik: Cheer up amigo. 13 serving 8. *Hits the ball*

Four más minutos passed. The game was close to ending, and the Humans were winning 20 to 18. The Icebergs were serving.

News Pony: Only 48 segundos remain. Are the Icebergs going to win?
News poni, pony 2: Let's wait, and see.
Iceberg poni, pony 4: 18 serving 20. *Hits the ball*
News Pony: The ball heads towards Joe, who passes it to Silver, and he hits it over the net.
Iceberg poni, pony 6: *Hits the ball*
News Pony: The ball hits the net, but still goes over toward the Humans.
Thomas: *Hits the ball up*
Ponies: *Watching the ball*
Referee: It hit the ceilling!
News Pony: The ball hit the ceilling, automatically making it out of bounds.
News poni, pony 2: Boston catches up to Canterlot, and they're only one point behind.
Iceberg poni, pony 4: 19 serving 20. *Hits the ball*
News Pony: 19 segundos left. Will the Humans be able to stay in the lead?
Silver: *Hits ball over net*
Iceberg poni, pony 5: *Passes ball to teammate*
Iceberg poni, pony 1: *Hits ball over net*
Erik: That's all tu Mimi, spike it.
Mimi Retcon: *Spikes the ball*
News Pony: Mimi Retcon spikes the ball over the net, and scores her team another point.

Loud horns went off.

News Pony: Time is up.
News poni, pony 2: Let me tell you, that was another exciting game.
News Pony: The final score is the Canterlot Humans 21, and the Boston Icebergs 19. We'll see tu in three days for the championship as the Humans go up against the Manehattan Spiders.

After winning the semi finals, Ditto took his team out to celebrate at pizza Hut.

Ditto: It was a really great game, and I'm proud of all of you.
Sunny: Thanks coach.
Silver: And we'll mostrar those Spiders what we're capable of.
Ditto: Yeah.
Thomas: Man I still can't believe that serve tu made on the net, and how the ball was just rolling on it. That was cool.
Erik: Well, when your teammate is good at serving, things happen. tu know?
Thomas: I guess that's true. I have made the ball land on the net a few times, and it has rolled to the center, falling on the other team's side.
Erik: All tu gotta do is just spike the ball.
Thomas: That's the problem though. I don't spike it.
Erik: Why not?
Thomas: The ball is too high, even if I do jump. I just can't reach it.
Erik: I don't know what to tell you. Increase your height, jump higher, do something.
Thomas: I'm working on it.

Suddenly, a TV turned on.

News Pony: We're mostrando footage of the Equestrian voleibol League that took place hours hace in Canterlot. In one part of the game, Erik Estrada, a team member on the Canterlot Humans, served the ball, and made it roll on the net, surprising lots of ponies, and arousing our minds with a question. Is Thomas Canfield losing it?
Thomas: Somepony turn that TV off!
Waiter: *Turns off television*
Ditto: Are tu okay?
Thomas: Listen Erik, I'm the best server in all of Equestria, not you.
Erik: hola man-
Thomas: Don't hola man me!
Sunny: Thomas?
Thomas: Forget it, I'm outta here. *Leaves*

siguiente day, Thomas was watching TV.

News Pony: We're bringing tu live footage of a riot at Walt disney Studios. cenicienta fans are extremely angry about the frozen Fever short that will be playing before the movie premiere.
Thomas: Bah, who cares?
Martha: *Walks toward Thomas with Kenny* Is everything alright?
Thomas: Yeah. Why isn't it okay?
Kenny: *Watching the news*
News Pony: *Talking to a rioting pony* What do tu have to say about the frozen short?
Martha: Let's watch something else.
Thomas: No. Leave it. I wanna watch somepony get killed. That's what all riots are about.
Kenny: Why are tu talking like this dad?
Martha: Tom, come with me.

They both walked to the backyard.

Martha: What's wrong with you?
Thomas: Nothi-
Martha: Don't lie to me, it's not nothing. Something is bothering you, and I wanna know what it is.
Thomas: My teammate.
Martha: Which one?
Thomas: Erik.
Martha: What did he do?
Thomas: He's trying to take my spotlight with the serving.
Martha: No he is not. He just did something that no one was expecting to see, that's all. If someone-
Thomas: Okay, that's enough. This ain't a kid's mostrar where a lesson gets learned everyday. I'm gonna call Erik, and apologize.

Thomas called Erik at his house.

Erik: *Eating grapes as he picks up the phone* Yeah?
Thomas: Erik, it's me.
Erik: What do tu want?
Thomas: I just wanted to apologize. What I dicho to tu back at the restaurant wasn't really nice.
Erik: Hey, I understand. If I were you, I probably would've done the same thing.
Thomas: Is that right?
Erik: Yeah. Tell tu what, why don't tu come over to my place?
Thomas: Yeah. Okay, I'll be right there.

At Erik's house

Erik: Ditto talked to me earlier about the way tu reacted to the news. He wasn't really pleased about it.
Thomas: And, he's kicking me off the team. Right?
Erik: No, but he will do it if tu screw up again.
Thomas: That would be terrible. Not only for me, but for him.
Erik: Why?
Thomas: If I was kicked off the team, I wouldn't have a job, now would I? Then, if Ditto got rid of me, he wouldn't have a good server anymore.
Erik: Then he'd be up a creek without a paddle.
Thomas: Yeah. The championship is in two days. Thanks for inviting me to your home, but I must go.
Erik: Take care.
Thomas: Same to you.

Two days later at the start of the Equestrian voleibol League.

News poni, pony 4: The camera crews are ready.
News Pony: Me, and Allen are ready.
News poni, pony 4: Good, we'll be on the air soon. In 5. 4. 3. 2.
Camera Ponies: *Start filming*
News poni, pony 4: The following program was recorded in high definition.
News Pony: It's a beautiful día in Manehattan as we take a look at the championship for the Equestrian voleibol League. I'm Mike Richards, and por my side is Allen Wood as we bring tu the news about the Canterlot Humans against the Manehattan Spiders.
News poni, pony 2: The game hasn't started yet, but it will soon. It turns out that Thomas, and Erik are both the best servers on the Humans, after a survey a done around town. A fan of the Humans created a survey asking which poni, pony on the Canterlot Humans was the best, and Thomas, and Erik got tied for first place.
News Pony: It looks like the game is about to start now. Speaking of Thomas on the Canterlot Humans, he is starting the game as server. The Spiders will be in for a long day.
Erik: Give it to 'em.
Thomas: tu got it. 0 serving 0. *Hits the ball*
News Pony: I don't know about this one.
News poni, pony 2: The ball looks like it won't go over!

The ball landed on the net.

Silver: I'll get it!
Thomas: Don't! If tu touch it, the other team gets a point.
araña poni, pony 3: Let's touch it!
Thomas: NO!!

The ball went onto the Spider's side of the net, just when somepony was about to hit it.

News Pony: That was close.
News poni, pony 2: Just like his partner Erik last time with the Icebergs in the Semi Finals.
News Pony: We never should have doubted Thomas. He just scored a point for his team, and the game continues on with ninteen minutes, and twenty four secounds.
Ditto: *Watching from the sideline* Tom, tu had me worried for a moment.
Thomas: 1 serving 0. *Hits the ball*
News Pony: The ball goes over, and three ponies on the Manehattan Spiders are prepared to return the ball.
News poni, pony 2: Unlike most games, in the championship, when a team has the ball served to them, they must pass the ball to their teammate at least one time.
araña poni, pony 4: *Passes ball to teammate*
araña poni, pony 1: *Hits ball over net*
News Pony: Silver hits the ball over, and it seems to be going high into the air.
araña poni, pony 3: *Hits the ball out of bounds*
News poni, pony 2: That's another point for the Canterlot Humans.
Thomas: 2 serving 0. *Hits the ball*
News Pony: That's a good one.
araña poni, pony 3: *Backs up* I got it!

He went too far, and backed up into the muro making this sound: link

News poni, pony 2: He went too far, and the ball lands in bounds.
Thomas: 3 serving 0. *Hits the ball*
araña poni, pony 5: Let me get it. *Hits the ball to a teammate*
araña poni, pony 1: *Hits ball over net*
Erik: I got it. *Hits ball over net*
News Pony: It's a fight! Erik Estrada is hitting the ball back, and forth to Jennifer Osborne on the Spiders.
News poni, pony 2: None of them will give up!
araña poni, pony 1: *Hits the ball*
Erik: Oh no tu don't. *Hits the ball*
araña poni, pony 1: Leave it on your side. *Hits the ball*
Erik: No thanks. *Hits the ball* We have a championship to win.
araña poni, pony 1: *Spikes the ball*
Erik: *Gets hit, and falls on the ground*
News Pony: It looks like Erik has been hurt por Jennifer from the spike.
Mimi Retcon: *Helps Erik stand up*
Sunny: Are tu alright?
Erik: I'm fine. She just caught me off guard.
araña poni, pony 2: Let's win this match. 1 serving 3. *Hits the ball*
Thomas: I think he hit this one too far.
Delivery Pony: *Arrives with a piano* Did anyone order a piano?

The voleibol hit the piano, and the delivery poni, pony went crazy.

Delivery Pony: *Hits all of the keys making this noise: link *
News Pony: I sure hope that paino didn't take any damage.
News poni, pony 2: I'm sure it'll be alright.
News Pony: The Humans rotate positions, and serving siguiente is Joe Proxon.
Joe: 4 serving 1. *Hits the ball*
News Pony: The ball goes over the net. And...
araña poni, pony 3: *Hits the ball*
News poni, pony 2: The Spiders do not make the return. The ball did not go over the net.
News Pony: Too bad for them.
Joe: We have this game in the bag.
Silver: *Laughs* tu got that right.

The Canterlot Humans were winning 5 to 1. Only sixteen minutos were left in the match.

News Pony: Joe Proxon serves the ball, and...
Joe: 5 serving 1. *Hits ball over net*
News Pony: The ball heads towards the Spiders. One player hits it towards another teammate, and she hits it over.
Thomas: *Hits the ball straight up into the air*
Sunny: I got it. *Hits ball over net*
News poni, pony 2: Thomas, and Sunny, working together getting that ball over the net.
News Pony: The Spiders quickly hit the ball back to the Humans. They want to catch up quickly, but will they be able to?
Erik: *Hits ball to Sunny*
Sunny: *Hits ball to Mimi*
Mimi: *Hits ball over net*
News Pony: Nice passing to the teammates por Erik Estrada.
araña poni, pony 5: *Hits ball over net*
News poni, pony 2: It seems to be going too high now. Yes, the Manehattan Spiders just made the ball hit the ceiling, making it out of bounds.
News Pony: At this rate, they'll never catch up to the Humans.
Silver: tu were right Joe. We do have this in the bag.

But four minutos later, the Spiders got in the lead. The score was now 6 to 8.

News Pony: The Spiders have scored seven points in a row now.
News poni, pony 2: Can the Humans take back the lead? I sure hope so.
araña poni, pony 4: 8 serving 6. *Hits the ball*
Thomas: That's heading towards tu Silver.
Silver: I don't know if I can get it. It's going really high.
Thomas: Stay on focus.
Silver: I-i-
Thomas: Stay on focus.
Silver: *Hits the ball*
Sunny: *Hits ball over net* Nice pass.
Silver: Thanks.
News poni, pony 2: Manehattan just hit the ball out of bounds, so the Humans get up to 7 points. Serving siguiente is Mimi Retcon.
Ditto: Keep it up team. Get back in the lead.
Mimi Retcon: 7 serving 8. *Hits the ball*
News Pony: I like the way this looks so far.
News poni, pony 2: Me too, Mimi Retcon hit the ball over, and the Spiders are scrambling around to see where the ball will land. They will do anything to stay in the lead.
araña poni, pony 6: *Hits the ball backwards*
araña poni, pony 2: hola genius, you're supposed to hit it forward.
araña poni, pony 6: I tried, but it's not that easy.
News Pony: This is it. Both teams are now tied por 8.
News poni, pony 2: Retcon gets ready to serve again.
Mimi Retcon: 8 all. *Hits the ball*
araña poni, pony 3: *Hits ball over net*
News Pony: Ryan Ames failed to serve the ball to his teammates on the Spiders, causing the Humans to get back in front.
Mimi Retcon: 9 serving 8. *Hits the ball*
News poni, pony 2: A good shot.
araña poni, pony 1: *Hits ball to teammate*
araña poni, pony 3: *Hits ball over net*
Sunny: *Kicks the ball*
News Pony: You're not allowed to kick the ball in volleyball, so Sunny scored a point for the Manehattan Spiders.
Thomas: Come on Sunny!
Sunny: I'm sorry.
News Pony: Both of these teams are trying very hard to win, but both of them seem to keep fouling up.
News poni, pony 2: The Manehattan Spiders are now tied with the Humans por 9. Let's see where things go from here.

There was only five minutos left in the game. The Canterlot Humans were tied with the Manehattan Spiders.

News Pony: The score is now 19 to 19. Serving for the Canterlot Humans again is Thomas Canfield.
News poni, pony 2: Hopefully with the way he serves, Thomas can get his team back into the lead.
Thomas: I'm gonna try to serve it in a way to make them think it'll go out of bounds.
Mimi Retcon: tu got this.
Thomas: I know. 19 all! *Hits the ball*
News Pony: There's the serve. It heads towards the out of bounds line.
araña poni, pony 5: *Hits the ball to a teammate*
News poni, pony 2: I don't believe it. Max Cunningham of the Manehattan Spiders has made the pass to a teammate, and that ball is going right back where it came from.
Thomas: *Hits ball to Sunny*
Sunny: *Hits ball over net*
News Pony: 4 minutes, and 30 segundos remain. Who will win?
araña poni, pony 2: Don't hit it. It's going out of bounds.
araña poni, pony 5: *Goes towards the ball*
araña poni, pony 2: WHAT ARE tu DOING?!
araña poni, pony 5: *Hits the ball*
araña poni, pony 2: We were going to win!

The ball went over the net.

Joe: *Hits the ball*
News Pony: 4 minutes, and 15 segundos remain. So far, the game is still tied at 19.
News Pony: This has been going on for nearly a minute.
araña poni, pony 3: *Hits the ball*
araña poni, pony 1: Nice shot.
Mimi Retcon: *Hits the ball*
araña poni, pony 4: *Hits the ball*
News Pony: 3 minutes, and 50 segundos are left.
News poni, pony 2: Will somepony please score a point?
Ditto: Come on guys. Surely tu want to win.
Joe: It's heading towards me, I got it. *Hits ball over net*
araña poni, pony 2: *Hits ball back to Joe*
Joe: *Hits ball back to the segundo araña pony*
araña poni, pony 2: *Hits ball back to Joe*
News Pony: Those two must really like each other.
News poni, pony 2: Otherwise, they wouldn't be hitting it to each other back, and forth.
News Pony: With 3 minutos and 35 segundos left, they better not hit it back, and forth to each other forever.
News poni, pony 2: Not only would that be boring, but it would also prevent both teams from winning since they are tied.
Joe: *Hits the ball towards a different pony*
araña poni, pony 2: Come on!
araña poni, pony 6: *Hits the ball* I don't think it's going over.
araña poni, pony 3: Leave it to me. *Hits ball over net*
araña poni, pony 6: Good shot.
Silver: I got it. *Hits ball over net*
Joe: I doubt they'll get that one.
araña poni, pony 4: *Dives, and hits the ball*
News Pony: Did tu see that?! Johnny Saint dived to hit the ball. That was really cool.
News poni, pony 2: That ball was close to hitting the ground too.
News Pony: Only 3 minutos are left. Let's see where things go from here. The humans are hitting the ball back to the Spiders.
araña poni, pony 3: *Hits the ball to a teammate*
araña poni, pony 2: *Hits ball over net*
Thomas: *Hits the ball*
News Pony: A nice shot por Thomas.
News poni, pony 2: The Spiders make the return.
Erik: This one is mine. *Hits the ball over the net*
Ditto: Fantastic. Now if only tu could win the championship.
News Pony: 2 minutes, and 45 segundos remain.
News poni, pony 2: If this keeps up, no one will win.
araña poni, pony 4: *Hits ball over net* We gotta score a point here guys. The game is almost over.
Mimi Retcon: *Hits ball over net*
Erik: Good shot. Let's hope that those Spiders-
araña poni, pony 1: *Hits ball over net*
Erik: don't.. return it. *Hits ball over net*
araña poni, pony 6: *Hits the ball*
News poni, pony 2: 2 minutes, and 30 seconds.
News Pony: Time is running out.
Ditto: *Has an idea appear in his head*
Thomas: *Hits the ball back to the Spiders*
Ditto: *Loudly pretends to cough*
araña poni, pony 1: *Gets distracted, and hits the ball*
araña poni, pony 4: That's going out of bounds. *Runs to ball, and hits it over the net*
araña poni, pony 1: Their coach is trying to distract us. Is that against the rules?
araña poni, pony 4: I don't think so.
News Pony: 2 minutes, and 15 segundos remain. The game is still tied at 19.
News poni, pony 2: Everypony is trying their best. The Manehattan Spiders have just hit the ball back to the Humans.
Silver: *Hits the ball*

The ball hit the net, but it still went over.

araña poni, pony 4: *Hits the ball back*
Mimi Retcon: *Hits the ball to Erik*
Erik: *Hits the ball*
News Pony: 1 minute, and 50 segundos remain.
News poni, pony 2: Good, because I'm getting tired, and bored. Let me know who wins.
araña poni, pony 3: *Spikes the ball*
Joe: *About to hit the ball, but it hits him, and he falls on the ground*

The ball went up after hitting Joe's face.

Thomas: *Runs up to Joe's spot*
Erik: Spike it!!
Thomas: *Spikes the ball*
News Pony: Thomas spiked the ball!
News poni, pony 2: And nopony on the Manehattan Spiders was able to hit it back.
News Pony: The Canterlot Humans are winning again.
Ditto: Good work Thomas. Good work.

The Humans won the championship, and all of the players got a trophy.

Sunny: That was great Tom, just wonderful.
Thomas: Thanks.
Ditto: Thomas, tu finally did it. tu spiked it.
Thomas: I know.
Erik: Good job partner.
Thomas: Thanks a lot. hola listen, I gotta go. I appreciate all of the thanks you're giving me, but I need to go.
Ditto: We'll see tu later then.
Thomas: Yeah. During the siguiente E.V.L tournament. I'm looking adelante, hacia adelante to that.
Ditto: So are we.

The End
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: What? Where? When?
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: What? Where? When?
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: What? Where? When?
From Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas
rock & roll
grand theft auto
Two powerful opponents go against each other.
my little poni, pony
pinkie pie
aguardiente de manzana, applejack
rock & roll
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Con Mane has returned.

We begin our story in Beijing, which was violently taken over por the koreans.

Con: *sneaks onto dock*
korean pony55: What was that?
Con: *kills pony* más like who was that?
korean pony21: I'll be right back I just wanna get some cider.
Con: *sneaks toward warehouse*
korean pony21: *shoots at Con*
Con: *dodges bullets*
korean pony21: All units, we have an intruder in the warehouse!
Con: *pulls out gun* Where is that manifest?
korean leader: What do tu need the manifest for? Grenades? We made specially designed grenades to blow up an entire building. Now that tu know...
continue reading...
added by Seanthehedgehog
No canto neccesary.
rock & roll
added by Seanthehedgehog
pinkie pie
aguardiente de manzana, applejack
rock & roll
my little poni, pony
added by Seanthehedgehog
Vinyl Scratch caused the world to end.
my little poni, pony
vinyl scratch
Everypony told Fluttershy she could be whatever she wanted to be. So, she became a ripoff of Thomas The Tank Engine.
aguardiente de manzana, applejack
my little poni, pony
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Since Twilight Sparkle became a princess, she made some idiotic decisions. One of these was to create a law that made many ponies go apeshit. No poni, pony can drink alcoholic beverages.

Many ponies formed a mafia, and there were six of them in Manehattan.

The Ponyville mafia was lead por arco iris Dash, and Dan.

The Manehattan mafia was lead por a poni, pony named Nickel Lesscage.

A russian mafia lead por Boris.

A Mexican Mafia lead por John.

The Japanese mafia is lead por an alicorn named Fuku,

And finally the greasers.

All of this started with the PV mafia when they were having a party.

Dan: We are having...
continue reading...
People that pay their rent will kill you.
tu do not want to mess with Hasbro.
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aguardiente de manzana, applejack
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A gorra, cap gun? What about a real gun?
Part two has finally been uploaded.
I can't imagine her getting in a battle. Can you?
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added by Seanthehedgehog
The first G major video for this club.
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Maud goes derp eyed in the beginning.
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rock & roll
aguardiente de manzana, applejack
my little poni, pony